Cybersecurity incident response at the Group Level

CSIRT SUEZ is responsible for protecting SUEZ business IT and OT assets, understanding the threat landscape, conducting, coordinating and improving incident response at the group level, ensuring relationship with stakeholders and cybersecurity actors, handling security requests and participating to build activities like security tools development.

Our scope as CSIRT SUEZ

All SUEZ Group companies and subsidiaries*.

* For more details, please refer to the 2019 Universal Registration Document (p.100) available here.

Normative reference

To see more details about CSIRT SUEZ, please refer to CSIRT SUEZ RFC 2350 documentation below:



File signature - CSIRT SUEZ RFC 2350

438B SIG


To report a security incident or a threat targeting or involving SUEZ, please contact CSIRT SUEZ using the following contact details (sales, prospection calls and emails will be ignored):

Email address:

PGP public key for encrypted communications:

  • ID: 0x57a92fa3
  • Fingerprint: B45C 3B0E 75EA 39C0 4D17 4C5A ED54 7D64 57A9 2FA3
  • Download the CSIRT public key by clicking here or here

+33 (0)6 72 72 30 30 

Postal Address:

SUEZ Groupe SA
DSI Groupe – Cybersécurité – CSIRT SUEZ
16 place de l'Iris
92040 Paris La Défense Cedex 