who we are 关于我们
newbonder is a professional supplier of electronic auxiliary together with experience consultation for the electronic industry. newbonder has established a reputation for innovative package technology and continuously endeavor in the search of a wide range of quality products for both cost conscious consumer and quality conscious professional. newbonder’s technical representatives are fully qualified and committed to provide the most innovative and cost effective products, services and expertise for the electronic industry.
enterprise vision 公司愿景
提升创新加强沟通 enrich innovation and communication
以优质的产品和服务著称的行业领先供应商 industry leading supplier of quality products and services
enterprise culture 企业文化
专业专注专心 specialty fengrossment concentration
执行决定绩效 no execution no performance
细节决定成败 no details no success
what we do 我们的事业
as the general agent of won chemical,sunstar, hernon,dover chemical, andhesive materials, we provide a whole solution for diversified customer and different demands. our products of different chemical types are widely used in many electronics industries and play the role of primary or secondary such as:bonding, sealing, protecting, potting, encapsulating, coating, filling, conducting, thermal conducting……
作为韩国元化学、日本盛势达、美国赫能、道尔化学和andhesive胶粘方案公司在中国及香港地区的总代理,我们结合中国市场客户的多样化需求提供一整套的产 品解决方案,我们所代理的产品涵盖了以下化学体系:环氧、有机硅、聚氨酯、丙烯酸、异氰酸酯…… 不同体系的产品由于其固有的特性广泛应用于多个领域: smt表面贴装、ic集成电路封装、太阳能光伏组装、led及衍生产品的封装与组装、光电触控显示器件封装与组装(lcd/lcm/pdp/oled)、 电子元件及器件的封装…… 在不同应用领域中起到各种主要或辅助作用:粘接bonding、密封sealing、保护protecting、灌封potting、包封 encapsulating、涂覆coating、填充 filling、导电conducting、导热thermal conducting……
成立时间 | 2005年04月08日 | 注册资本 | 50万元 (万元) |
所在城市 | 广东深圳 | 公司地址 | 深圳 深圳市南山大道深意工业大厦516 |
经营范围 | 电子产品的技术开发(不含限制项目);电子材料的购销;国内商业、物资供销业(不含专营、专控、专卖商品)。^ |