苏州公司 TEL: 18936087595 FAX: 0512-82198197 邮箱:wxb2003gem@163.com.QQ;404102859 提供电镀报告;质量报告;原材料报告;SGS报告; 苏州喜乐美制五金有限公司 位于江苏 苏州市平江区新城,主营 螺丝、螺母、自动车床加工/车削件 等。自2008年公司成立以自主生产经营为主,秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾!公司设备拥有多工位冷墩机、割尾机、组合螺丝机、冲压设备,自动车床数台。合作单位:美国爱默生,美国美闻达、丹麦丹腾、德国孚尔默、巴开吉苏州、长岛苏州、天弘苏州、沈飞集团、南京CECT、南京长江电子、南京55所等客户好评!合作联盟:台湾喜乐、台湾晋亿CYI、台湾东明THE、台湾集元CHEWREN六角扳手、韩国磨钢拉令(吊环)、美国Unbrako螺钉12.9级系列、德国Helios量规/间隙片、日本EIGHT百牌六角匙扳手、日本JPG/OSG量规。主要经营:军标、德标、美标、英标、日标、内六角、外六角标准件、不锈钢标准件、车削件、渗碳处理、4.8、8.8、12.9级和14.99级高强度紧固件及各种紧固件、承接非标件定制:标准件变异:零部件车削和冲压零部件!Our company can offer a full line of products with the innovative idea in mind and thorough understanding of the security needs of our customers Most of which are creative designs.We can manufacture all kinds of detail according to customers’ different requirements. Our company is a ISO9001:2000 registered enterprise. We are famous with our high-quality and various products. Reasonable price and perfect service make us as the competitive player of international market. At present, we are offering the products and service for several famous companies most of which are 500 in the world. Our service has extend to the attached in the worldwide.