昆阁林五金(昆山)有限公司创建于1999年,专业从事销售德国Mubea碟形弹簧,意大利Bordignon氮气弹簧,德国 Helgerit波形弹簧高档挡圈,韩国SAMSOL模具弹簧等, 注册资200万元。到目前为止,已成功为全国机械制造类,模具类企业提供技术服务。
Kunshan Kendall springs Co., Ltd. Is specialized in sales, Germany Mubea disc springs Italian Bordignon nitrogen spring and mould spring, Italy Beneri waveform spring, high-grade ring, South Korea SAMSOL die springs, etc., registered capital of 2 million yuan. So far, has been successful for the national machinery manufacturing, mold companies to provide technical services.
Kendall family for mechanical processing to provide world-class industrial spring solution. With many years experience, and in all the major companies in the field of machinery manufacture and mould to maintain long-term close system, KendallSpring developed unique solutions to help you and meet your technology needs. Our unique in: our engineer teams from all over the world thousands of installation and development system in the practice of won the rich professional knowledge and experience, and combining with customer process developed sophisticated equipment and processing know-how. Kendall family owns 15 branches, all over the world, is worthy of the name of multinational company, providing customers with quality services. Our products in China has a history of more than 10 years, but still a long way to go. We provide solution involves very extensive, from the mould processing, brake development, machine maintenance, engineering machinery manufacture and so on all process, such as turbine generating thermal power or wind energy, nuclear power, also include the space military and other related equipment. No matter what you need, Kendall always can provide you with the correct solution and technical support.
成立时间 | 2011年06月01日 | 注册资本 | 200 (万元) |
所在城市 | 江苏苏州 | 公司地址 | 苏州 周市镇新镇新浦路66号 - |
经营范围 | 五金工具及配件、仪器仪表、电子产品、电器设备、金属制品、塑料制品、化工原料及产品(不含危险品)、包装材料、金属材料、办公用品的销售;弹簧及机械设备的销售、设计及上门维修;货物及技术的进出口业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |