吳 吴江腾飞橡胶科技有限公司设立于2000年9月21日,于2002年全厂导入ERP系统,2004年10月通过ISO9001,QS9000认证,并在2006年10月通过TS16949之认证,本公司并拥有美国NSF,**KTW及英国WRAS认证通过之无毒橡胶配方,总投资额200万美元,占地面积36,000平方米,生产厂房4,500平方米,办公大楼1,300平方米,员工宿舍1,500平方米,从实验室的配方调制开始,全心**于橡胶制品的材料研发及制程改善,并于2003年4月再投入50万美元设立了模具部门,大幅提升生产调度的灵活度。我们运用新的机器设备与纯熟的成型技术,在短的时间内提供您好质量的产品,同时以达到质量水平为宗旨。我们可依客户需求开发具有高性能的产品,也可为各大厂代工。
Established on Sep. 21, 2000 and make use of ERP system from 2002, we get the certification of ISO 9001,QS9000 on Oct.,2004,and get the TS16949 certification on Oct. 2006. At the same time we own the rubber nonpoisonous formula and have the NSF of U.S.A. ,KTW of Germany and WRAS of U.K. approval. We invest USD two million and total space approx 36 k square meters, including the production factory 4.5 k square meters, office building 1.3k square meters, employee dorm 1.5k square meters.
We are focus on the rubber materials development and process improvement. On April 2004 we invested USD half million to build the mold department to improve the production flexibility. We are using the best machines and skillful techniques and offer the best and high quality in a short time. We make according to the customers’demand also OEM can be accepted.