olis自动门产品主要包括:平移门、弧形门、旋转门、医用气密门等自动门控产品。结合长期以来市场的实际需求,公司在产品技术上不断改进更新,已实现了楼层集中控制、时间段人性化定制、联网脱机可选等终端应用上的有效功能。该产品外观专利已获中国国家知识产权局批准(专利号:zl 2011 3 0146354.4)。 olis停车场管理系统产品所具备的功能主要有:自动计费/声光及字幕提醒/权限自动甄别/进出图像对比/语音远程协助/自动吐卡收卡/车辆防砸等。近距离感应卡/中距离感应卡/远距离感应卡/蓝牙/微波/车牌自动识别等多种身份识别方式多种可选,有效距离远可达十米。 作为一家技术服务型的产品供应商,我们一直**于产品性能的完善、功能的强化以及售前售后服务的不断提升。质量与信誉是企业的生命,“质量,用户至上”是我们恒久不变的经营观念。逆水行舟,不进则退,全体的捷盾人用自己的热情与努力始终站在行业的前沿服务社会。我们希望能同广大的新老用户,携手并进,共创辉煌! introduction: jiedun electronic technology company is engaged in the research, producing and trade of automatic control system. thanks to the great efforts from our research team and the advanced technology from the abroad, we have produced many in and out automatic control systems with high quality and steady nature. moreover, our products are known well among other similar domestic businesses. we now have set up product-research center in many brunch companies, which are in shenzhen, xiamen, quanzhou, etc. so far we have jiedun-owned olis automatic door series and parking management system which have the brand intellectual property. olis series include automatic translation door, arc auto gate, revolving door, medical air-tight door and so on. our research team has worked on the technology continuously in order to satisfy the need of our customers. now our products can realize the concentrate control of the systems in the different rooms and floors. the products have been approved by the state intellectual property office. (patent number: zl 2011 3 0146354.4). olis parking management system has plenty of functions, they can charge automatically, show the acousto-optic and caption, recognize the right of the owner, compare the picture taken from in and out, transfer the voice by long-distance aid, push out and pull in the card automatically, avoid the car crash, etc. there are many kinds of ways to recognize identification, such as close inductor card, middle distance inductor card, long distance inductor card which can reach ten miters, bluetooth, microwave, license recognition and so on. as a product supplier with professional technology, we take great efforts to perfect the quality, increase the functions and improve the services to our customers. reputation and quality are the life to a firm. “quality first, customer first” is the forever running faith of our company. like a boat sailing against the current, we, jiedun, will try our best to serve the society with great passion. we hope we can shake hands with many more new and old customers, so that we can develop together and make great difference.成立时间 | 2009年07月14日 | 注册资本 | 50万元 (万元) |
所在城市 | 福建泉州 | 公司地址 | 泉州 泉州市丰泽区东海东滨工业区凤城路71号三楼 |
经营范围 | 电子智能卡、芯片研发;计算机软、硬件的研发及信息咨询;门禁系统、停车场管理系统的集成;自动门、旋转门、电子通讯产品的零售及批发。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |