广州十指乐器有限公司(十指琴行)是一家集“乐器批发,零售,艺术培训,乐器租赁,乐器维修”为一体的综合性专业琴行! 经过近几年的不断发展现已成为广东省大的民族乐器代理商。500平方的民族乐器仓储基地,200平方的实体店展厅。可以说我们是真正在做民乐的商家,也是真正懂民乐的商家,同时也是推动中国民族乐器发展的商家! 现代理销售以下品牌乐器:上海敦煌古筝(一厂)上海鼎韵古筝(唐正军大师手工古筝)扬州碧泉古筝,琼花古筝,天艺古筝,金声古筝,雅韵,鸿韵等品牌古筝!以上品牌均为厂家授权代理! 敦煌:二胡 古筝 古琴 琵琶 扬琴 竹笛等民乐,大量供应。
guangzhou ten refers to the musical instrument co., ltd. (ten) is a collection of "musical instruments wholesale, retail, art training, musical instruments, musical instrument maintenance" as one of the integrated professional piano line, after nearly a few years of continuous development has become the largest national musical instruments in guangdong province. 500 square meters of national musical instrument storage base, 200 square of the store room. can be said that we are real businesses in folk music, but also truly understand the music business, but also to promote development of chinese ethnic musical instruments business! modern rationale for the sale of the following brand instruments: shanghai dunhuang guzheng (a plant) ding yun shanghai guzheng (tang zhengjun master hand zheng) yangzhou biquan guzheng, guzheng qionghua, tian yi zheng, zheng jin sheng, geniality, hung rhyme brand zither! all the brands are authorized agent of the manufacturer! dunhuang: the folk music of erhu zither dulcimer lute bamboo flute, large supply
dunhuang guzheng, ding yun guzheng, suzaku guzheng, guzheng biquan, hung yun guzheng, guzheng qionghua, dunhuang erhu, pipa, guqin, manual erhu, pipa, bamboo flute, pearl river piano, all kinds of chinese and western instruments
成立时间 | 2015年09月23日 | 注册资本 | 3万 (万元) |
所在城市 | 广东广州 | 公司地址 | 广州 广州市天河区棠下泰安南路90号 |
经营范围 | 乐器批发;乐器零售;音乐辅导服务;表演艺术辅导服务;大型活动组织策划服务(大型活动指晚会、运动会、庆典、艺术和模特大赛、艺术节、电影节及公益演出、展览等,需专项审批的活动应在取得审批后方可经营);群众参与的文艺类演出、比赛等公益性文化活动的策划;教育咨询服务;文化艺术咨询服务;其他文化娱乐用品批发;娱乐设备出租服务;商品零售贸易(许可审批类商品除外);商品批发贸易(许可审批类商品除外);工艺品批发;(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 |