燃气热水锅炉、蒸汽发生器 ,蒸汽设备、全自动蒸汽发生器
佛山市顺德区伦教匡鸿木工机械厂位于中国大的木工机械生产基地——顺德。本厂是一家集研发、生产、制造于一家的生产厂家。在一批高素质的管理人才和高素质的技术人员管理下,不断研制出新的产品。 本厂注重产品质量和信誉的保证,不断的改进产品的性能。公司一直以“科技为本、不断创新”为经营方针。提高用户服务的满意度,是我们始终不懈的追求的目标。我们将以自己的努力,使广大用户都感受到我们全心为您服务的理念。欢迎广大客户来电来函咨询! foshan shunde lunjiao woodworking machinery factory is located in the chinese kuang hung largest woodworking machinery production base—shunde.the factory is a set research and development,production,manufacturing in one of the manufacturers.the technical personnel in the management of a number of high-quality management personnel and high-quality,and constantly develop new products. pay attention to product quality assurance and the credibility of the factory ,and continuously improve the product’s performance.the company has always been to “technology-based,continuous innovation” as the operating principle.improve customer satisfaction,is our pursuit of the goal of no relaxation during the time of the.we will take our own efforts,so that the majority of users have felt we wholeheartedly for y
成立时间 | 2007年07月16日 | 注册资本 | 100000 (万元) |
所在城市 | 广东佛山 | 公司地址 | 佛山 佛山市顺德区伦教羊额周地工业区永安路九号之二十 |
经营范围 | 制造:木工机械及配件。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 |