A Created list of
for brute-forcing and fuzzing ⚔️- Seclists – Daniel Miessler & Jason Haddix
- FuzzDB – FuzzDB-Project
- DNSAll - Jason Haddix
- Wfuzz - Wfuzz
- Payload All The Things - swissky
- Paypal Test Credit Card Numbers - Paypal
- SVNDigger - Wordlists for Wfuzz or Dirbuster - nathanmyee
- content_discovery_all.txt - Jason Haddix
- Seclists - Collection of useful wordlists grouped by context
- Xajkep's Wordlists - Wordlists curated by Xajkep grouped by context
- Dirbuster Wordlists - Dirbuster's default directories wordlists
- Dirb Wordlists - Dirb's default wordlists
- ws-dirs - wfuzz webservices directories' wordlist
- ws-files - wfuzz webservices files' wordlist
- Directories - xajkep's directories
- Backup files - xajkep's backup files
- Backup files with path - xajkep's backup files with paths
- n0kovo_subdomains - An extremely effective subdomain wordlist of 3,000,000 lines, crafted by harvesting SSL certs from the entire IPv4 space.
- Xajkep's email providers - Email providers from xajkep's wordlists
- RockYou - The go-to wordlist for passwords
- WPA-Length Passwords - Passwords with WPA length
- SecLists' Passwords - Password wordlists from SecLists
- CrackStation - CrackStation's password wordlist
- SecLists' Usernames - Username wordlists from SecLists
- French wordlists
- danish-wordlists - Collection of danish base wordlists.
- albanian-wordlist - Albanian wordlist - A mix of names, last names and some albanian literature.
- medical-wordlist - Medical wordlists in English, French, and Ukrainian languages, which can be used for spell checking.
- Probable-Wordlists - Basically a research on several types of wordlists
- SecLists - Several wordlists categorized by type
- Kali Wordlists - Kali Linux's default wordlists
- Blog g0tmi1k - G0tmi1k's post on what makes a good dictionary
- Skull Security Passwords - Skull Security's password lists
- Xajkep's Wordlists - List of wordlists from xajkep
This repo conatin a lot of payload with some encoding operation (url,base64,hex,unicode)
- basic payloads 2. url_encoded payloads 3. hex_encoded payloads 4. base64_encoded payloads 5. unicode_encoded
- basic payloads 2. url_encoded payloads 3. hex_encoded payloads 4. base64_encoded payloads 5. unicode_encoded
- basic payloads 2. url_encoded payloads 3. hex_encoded payloads 4. base64_encoded payloads 5. unicode_encoded