A simple Sudoku solver that I've done to experiment with SAT/SMT solvers. It currently only runs for boards up to 36x36 (k = 6). For anything bigger, MiniSAT chokes anyway.
Install Haskell Platform and do
$ make clean all -j4
$ make check
To profile, export PROFILE=1 and rebuild.
- plot timing graphs (time vs. #constraints, #constraints vs. #vars)
- see how rule order influences MiniSAT timing:
- randomize
- spatial (rules for ij go together)
- find all solutions (plot graph number-of-sols vs. percentage)
- experiment with different encodings:
- Sudoku as a SAT Problem (http://anytime.cs.umass.edu/aimath06/proceedings/P34.pdf)
- A SAT-based Sudoku Solver (https://www.lri.fr/~conchon/mpri/weber.pdf)
- Optimized CNF Encoding for Sudoku Puzzles (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~hjain/papers/sudoku-as-SAT.pdf)
- see how Haskell people do interfaces to MiniSAT or other external solvers (and how they cope with big CNFs)
- experiment with SMT solvers
- find all solutions
- pass several lists to CNF instead of one (this should speed things up because we won't copy data when concatting rules)
- store temp files to separate folder
- Haskell coding style
- write Haddocks
- run for inputs up to 100x100 (k=10); ideas:
- understand where is all the memory going to
- generate all rules for each cell in one function
- use streams