[ASRU 2023] Code of paper SALT: Distinguishable Speaker Anonymization Through Latent Space Transformation
Language independent SSL-based Speaker Anonymization system
Utilities for Processing the Switchboard Dialogue Act Corpus
The code of the paper "Minimizing the Accumulated Trajectory Error to Improve Dataset Distillation" (CVPR2023)
Acoustic feature extraction using Librosa library and openSMILE toolkit.使用Librosa音频处理库和openSMILE工具包,进行简单的声学特征提取
[ICCV2021]"DC-ShadowNet: Single-Image Hard and Soft Shadow Removal Using Unsupervised Domain-Classifier Guided Network",
Dialog Acts SEGmentation: Tools for dialog act research
keras implement of transformers for humans
Python toolkit for Chinese Language Understanding(CLUE) Evaluation benchmark
中文语言理解测评基准 Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models, corpus and leaderboard
This repo summarizes the tutorials, datasets, papers, codes and tools for speech separation and speaker extraction task. You are kindly invited to pull requests.