Welcome to our project! This project is designed to showcase the capabilities of our grammar-based program interpreter. With this interpreter, you can run programs written in our specific grammar format, enabling you to execute various tasks with ease.
This is a copy of the original repository, which is currently private because of university requirements.
Lexer - Python
Parser, Evaluator - Prolog
.APKA: The APKA source code file serves as the initial input to the pipeline.
LEXER.PY: The lexer script reads the APKA source code and generates tokenized output.
.APKATOKENS: The tokenized output from the lexer is stored in a file.
PARSER.PL: The parser reads the tokenized output and generates a parse tree.
EVALUATOR.PL: Finally, the evaluator takes the parse tree as input and executes the instructions, producing the desired output.
- Commands are the fundamental units within a Program.
- They can be categorized into two types: those without a block and those with a block.
- A sequence of one or more commands forms a command list.
- Commands that do not include a block must end with a semicolon (;).
Examples: Without block: ”chaap” ("Hello World"); With block: Enclosed within {}.
A block is a collection of one or more commands enclosed within curly braces {}. Example:
// commands
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Enhanced For Loop
- If Statement
- If-Elif-Else Statement
- Print Statement
- Variable Declaration
- Variable Assignment
- Integer (chotu)
- Boolean (nirnaya)
- String (vakya)
- Arithmetic Operations (+, -, *, /)
- Comparison Operations (==, <, >, <=, >=)
- Boolean Operations (&& ,||, !)
- Ternary Operator (? :)
- Unary Operator (++, --)
Sum of N numbers
chotu sum;
sum = 0;
chotu i;
i = 5;
jabtak(i >= 1) {
sum = sum + i;
chaap("Sum of first 5 numbers: ");
To get started with our project, follow these simple steps:
Clone our project repository to your local machine using this command:
git clone https://github.com/anjalibharuka/SER502-APKA-Team20.git
or by downloading the ZIP archive from our repository.
Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the folder where you have cloned the project.
If you already have Python installed:
For Windows
python runapka.py <filename>.apka
For Mac
python3 runapka.py <filename>.apka
If you don't have Python installed:
Download Python 3 from python.org and follow the installation instructions. Then, navigate to the project directory in the command prompt and run the above command.
Python usually comes pre-installed on macOS. If not, you can download it from python.org or install it via Homebrew. Then, navigate to the project directory in the terminal and run the above command.
Replace with the name of the program file you want to execute. The program files should be located in the data folder of our project.
Sample program files are provided in the data folder of our project. You can use these files to test the interpreter and explore its capabilities. Feel free to create your own program files following our grammar format and place them in the data folder for execution.