Hi there 👋 I'm Michael Levan
Engineer, Researcher, and Content Creator
Michael Levan is an engineer at heart. He is a cloud enthusiast, DevOps pro, HashiCorp Ambassador, and loves helping the tech community by speaking internationally, blogging, publishing books, and creating online courses. Michael spends his time creating real-world, project-focused based content, coaching engineers on how to create quality work, performing technical research for various firms, and consulting for customers around the globe on cloud and DevOps projects.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on all things research & consulting around DevOps and Computer Science that require my mind to go as deep as possible
- 💬 Ask me about DevOps, cloud engineering, content creation, public speaking, and collaborating with the world!
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter: @TheNJDevOpsGuy or email: michael.levan@clouddev.engineering
- 😄 Home Base: https://www.michaellevan.net/
⭐️ From @AdminTurnedDevOps