Kotlin + Compose multiplatform project that allows users to explore the world of movies with ease. It utilizes the TMDB API to fetch movie data and presents it in a visually appealing manner. Jetpack Navigation ensures smooth navigation between screens, while the Paging library enables efficient data loading for a seamless user experience. The user interface adheres to Material3 design guidelines, providing a modern and intuitive way to discover and engage with movie content.
- Developers interested in learning more about Kotlin and Compose multiplatform.
- Designers and UI enthusiasts seeking inspiration for Material3-based interfaces.
Default | Themed (light) | Themed (dark) |
Default (light) | Default (dark) |
Dynamic (light) | Dynamic (dark) |
- Data and Domain layers implemented using Kotlin Multiplatform
- Presentation layer implemented using Compose Multiplatform and Material 3 design guidelines
- Supports Dynamic Colors schema
- Adaptive launcher Themed Icon ( for Android 13+)
- Navigation based on Jetpack Navigation
- Uses TMDB open API
- Infinite lists (pagination) implemented using Jetpack Paging
- Data flow implemented using Kotlin Coroutines Flow
- Multiplatform unit tests
- Multiplatform UI tests