Teal Hawk is a Twitter analysis tool for real-time analysis of a brand's mentions. The intention is to allow real-time and business improvement analysts to gain actionable insight into what customers/press/moaners are saying about their brand.
The project is made with node.js, mongodb and socket.io, along with passport-twitter login. Other than mongodb and node.js itself, everything needed to run should be here:
npm install
bower install
config.js must be created in project root with the following:
module.exports = {
twitter: {
consumer_key: '',
consumer_secret: '',
access_token: '',
access_token_secret: '',
callbackURL: ''
passport: {
key: 'teal hawk',
secret: 'keyboard cat'
In monogodb you must input something like the below. Replace name
and twitter_id
with your own for access to the Deck. Empty columns
element is currently required.
db.users.insert({name: "_DotSpace", twitter_id: "42383066", registered: true, admin: true, columns: []})
db.config.insert({filter:{track: ['_DotSpace'], follow: ['42383066']}})
Registration, and column creation processes are needed to sort this. There will be weird startup and login erros if you do not do the above first.
If you like tracking from PIWIK or Google Analytics, put your code in a file called tracking.js
- no need for any NOSCRIPT shit as this app requires JS to do anything.