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A beast- A struggling Front-End Web Developer
- A struggling Back-End Developer
- A struggling Full-Stack Developer and human
Sing or Dance- Make awesome designs a reality through code
- Design cool UIs
- Make cool stuff by staring at the screen all day and typing random stuff we don't understand
- Play Guitar... hopefully someday
Here's my mail: ammanishkumardas@gmail.com
Currently, I just have created a simple plain Digital Garden page as a portfolio, you can find it here: www.themanish.in Work on an actual portfolio website is in progress. It's not high up in my priorities, I have other milestones yet to achieve such as, having a good project to show in my resume, studying Computer Science and practicing DSA, and most importantly, getting a job.
Well you @#$%^, why don't you Work In Progress dude... I'm just lazy af