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FocusFlow MVP Implementation Strategy

1. Core Features for MVP

  1. Kanban Board (Trello-like)
  2. Productivity Homepage
  3. Basic Sidebar
  4. Simple Pomodoro Timer

2. Technology Stack

  • HTML5, CSS3, and TypeScript for the frontend
  • React 18 for building the Single Page Application (SPA)
  • Next.js 13 for server-side rendering and routing
  • Tailwind CSS for styling and responsive design
  • IndexedDB for local data storage

3. Data Management

  • Use IndexedDB for offline data storage
  • Implement data models for tasks, boards, lists, and user preferences
  • Ensure all data operations are synchronous and local
  • Utilize React Query for efficient data fetching and caching

4. Feature Implementation

4.1 Kanban Board (Trello-like)

  • Create a drag-and-drop interface using react-beautiful-dnd
  • Implement customizable lists (columns) with the ability to add, rename, and delete
  • Allow adding, editing, moving, and archiving cards (tasks)
  • Implement card features:
    • Title and description
    • Due dates and reminders
    • Labels and color coding
    • Checklists
    • Attachments (local file references)
    • Comments
  • Enable board customization (background, visibility)
  • Implement board sharing functionality (for future multi-user support)
  • Store board state in IndexedDB
  • Use Tailwind CSS classes for layout and styling

4.2 Productivity Homepage

  • Design a simple, clean interface displaying:
    • Kanban board overview with recent activity
    • Top priority tasks across all boards
    • Current date and time
    • Quick-add card functionality
  • Fetch and display data from IndexedDB using React Query
  • Utilize Tailwind CSS utility classes for responsive design

4.3 Basic Sidebar

  • Create a collapsible sidebar using React components and Tailwind CSS
  • Include:
    • Navigation to different boards
    • Quick-add card functionality
    • Mini view of top priority tasks
    • Pomodoro timer controls
    • Search functionality across all boards and cards
  • Implement dark theme styling using Tailwind's dark mode classes

4.4 Simple Pomodoro Timer

  • Implement a basic timer with preset work/break intervals
  • Use React hooks for timer functionality
  • Provide start, pause, and reset controls styled with Tailwind CSS
  • Implement browser notifications for audio-visual alerts
  • Allow customization of work/break durations

5. User Interface Design

  • Design a clean, minimalist UI using Tailwind CSS utility classes
  • Implement a dark theme by default using Tailwind's dark mode
  • Use a limited color palette for consistency, defined in tailwind.config.js
  • Ensure responsive design for various screen sizes using Tailwind's responsive utilities
  • Implement basic animations for smooth user experience with Tailwind's transition classes
  • Create custom card and list designs mimicking Trello's aesthetic

6. SPA Setup

  • Set up a Next.js project with TypeScript support
  • Implement Next.js App Router for navigation between different views (boards, cards)
  • Use React Context API or Redux Toolkit for state management across components
  • Configure Tailwind CSS for the project

7. Offline Functionality

  • Implement a Service Worker for offline caching using next-pwa
  • Ensure all features work without an internet connection
  • Implement error handling for offline scenarios
  • Sync data when connection is restored (for future online functionality)

8. Testing

  • Develop unit tests for React components using React Testing Library and Jest
  • Perform end-to-end testing using Cypress
  • Test data persistence across browser restarts
  • Ensure dark theme and responsive design are working correctly across different devices
  • Test drag-and-drop functionality extensively

9. Performance Optimization

  • Minimize DOM manipulation by leveraging React's virtual DOM
  • Use efficient data structures for task and board management
  • Implement lazy loading for Kanban board tasks and routes using Next.js dynamic imports
  • Optimize Tailwind CSS by purging unused styles in production
  • Implement virtual scrolling for boards with many cards using react-window

10. Documentation

  • Create inline code documentation
  • Develop a comprehensive user guide for application usage
  • Document data models and storage schema
  • Include documentation on Tailwind CSS usage and custom configurations
  • Provide API documentation for future extensibility

11. Deployment

  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline for automated testing and deployment
  • Deploy the Next.js app to a serverless platform (e.g., Vercel)
  • Implement basic usage analytics using a service like Plausible or a self-hosted solution
  • Ensure proper bundling and minification of Tailwind CSS for production

12. Future Considerations

  • Plan for modular code structure to ease future feature additions
  • Design data models with potential cloud sync in mind
  • Consider progressive web app (PWA) implementation for enhanced offline capabilities
  • Explore advanced Tailwind CSS features like custom plugins for extending functionality
  • Implement real-time collaboration features using WebSockets or Firebase
  • Develop integrations with popular tools and services
  • Create mobile apps for iOS and Android using React Native

13. Implementation Steps Summary

  1. Set up the development environment with Next.js, React 18, and Tailwind CSS
  2. Implement the data layer using IndexedDB and React Query
  3. Create the Kanban board component with drag-and-drop functionality
  4. Develop the board listing page with create, update, and reorder functionality
  5. Develop the productivity homepage
  6. Build the sidebar component with Pomodoro timer
  7. Implement offline functionality with Service Workers and next-pwa
  8. Design and apply the user interface using Tailwind CSS
  9. Set up routing using Next.js App Router and state management
  10. Conduct thorough testing (unit, integration, and end-to-end)
  11. Optimize performance and implement lazy loading
  12. Create documentation (inline, user guide, and API)
  13. Set up CI/CD and deploy to a serverless platform
  14. Plan for future enhancements and features


Focus Flow - Kanban board for browser






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