I wanna die...
--- "I can't be the only one, baby", Space Dandy
Space VM, it is a virtual machine in Space. Space VM is characterised with these features:
- register based
- codes and datum are stored in the same memory
- Understand programming languages
- Understand basics of computer architecture
- assembler (Common Lisp)
- virtual machine (Common Lisp)
Run in shell:
$ ros install t-sin/svm
$ ros run
* (ql:quickload :svm)
* (multiple-value-bind (vm p)
(svm:init-vm #P"s/sample.s")
(declare (ignore p))
(let ((svm-vm/vm/run::*print-op* t)
(svm-vm/vm/run::*print-register* t)
(svm-vm/vm/run::*print-memory* nil))
(svm:run-program vm)))
or run in REPL:
CL-USER> (ql:quickload :svm)
CL-USER> (multiple-value-bind (vm p)
(svm:init-vm "
(declare (ignore p))
(let ((svm-vm/vm/run::*print-op* t)
(svm-vm/vm/run::*print-register* t)
(svm-vm/vm/run::*print-memory* nil))
(svm:run-program vm)))
- memory format -> see vm/README.md
- instructions -> see instruction.lisp
: program counterr0
: general purpus register
- byte
- bytes
- UTF-8 characters
- UTF-8 character strings