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- benji_man_van
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Starred repositories
NativeLink is an open source high-performance build cache and remote execution server, compatible with Bazel, Buck2, Reclient, and other RBE-compatible build systems. It offers drastically faster b…
This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures that are useful for bioinformatics. All provided implementations are rigorously tested via continuous integration.
🤖💤 High-contrast, Futuristic & Vibrant Coloursheme for Neovim
Reference server implementation in Go of tus: the open protocol for resumable file uploads
Command line tool for inspecting Parquet files
Build and publish crates with pyo3, cffi and uniffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
Protoscope is a simple, human-editable language for representing and emitting the Protobuf wire format.
The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25, 2.0, and 4.0 for reference purposes
PDFsam, a desktop application to split, merge, mix, rotate PDF files and extract pages
⭐️ A friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems!
A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
PROST! a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language
Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust
🔱 Material colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins
Distributed stream processing engine in Rust
The framework for building with WebAssembly (wasm). Easily load wasm modules, move data, call functions, and build extensible apps.
CrowdSec - the open-source and participative security solution offering crowdsourced protection against malicious IPs and access to the most advanced real-world CTI.
An implementation of Messaging Layer Security (RFC 9420)
🖤 A highly customizable minimalist theme building framework
A Stable ABI for Rust with compact sum-types
Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, cryptographic identities, mutual authentication, and authorization policies between distributed applications – at massive scale.
A lightweight, dependency-free Python library (and command-line utility) for downloading YouTube Videos.