Gitter API in Rust
cargo build
gitter = "0.4.0"
gitter = { git = "" }
extern crate gitter;
use gitter::Gitter;
let api = Gitter::new("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN").unwrap();
Following code snippets did not updated yet
- Get current user
let user = api.get_user().unwrap();
// Get all rooms
let rooms = api.get_rooms().unwrap();
// Get room by id
let room = api.get_room("roomID").unwrap();
// Get rooms of some user
let rooms = api.get_rooms("userID").unwrap();
// Join room
let room = api.join_room("roomID", "userID").unwrap();
// Leave room
let room = api.leave_room("roomID", "userID").unwrap();
// Get room id
let room_id = api.get_room_id("room/uri").unwrap();
// Search gitter rooms
let rooms = api.search_rooms("search/string").unwrap();
// Get messages of room
let messages = api.get_messages("roomID", None).unwrap();
// Get one message
let message = api.get_message("roomID", "messageID").unwrap();
// Send message
api.send_message("roomID", "free chat text").unwrap();
This project is a work in progress.
- Implement base Rest API's and add some tests
- Test
method - Implement all Rest API methods
- Add support for Streaming API
- Add support for Faye [Optional]
- Add support for automated access token retreive via Github authentification
- Cover with tests
- Add examples
is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).
for details.