This repository contains code to train NeRF-SH and to extract the PlenOctree, constituting part of the code release for:
PlenOctrees for Real Time Rendering of Neural Radiance Fields
Alex Yu, Ruilong Li, Matthew Tancik, Hao Li, Ren Ng, Angjoo Kanazawa
title={{PlenOctrees} for Real-time Rendering of Neural Radiance Fields},
author={Alex Yu and Ruilong Li and Matthew Tancik and Hao Li and Ren Ng and Angjoo Kanazawa},
Please see the following repository for our C++ PlenOctrees volume renderer:
Please use conda for a replicable environment.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate plenoctree
pip install --upgrade pip
Or you can install the dependencies manually by:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
conda install tqdm
pip install -r requirements.txt
[Optional] Install GPU and TPU support for Jax. This is useful for NeRF-SH training. Remember to change cuda110 to your CUDA version, e.g. cuda102 for CUDA 10.2.
pip install --upgrade jax jaxlib==0.1.65+cuda110 -f
We release our trained NeRF-SH models as well as converted plenoctrees at Google Drive. You can also use the following commands to reproduce the NeRF-SH models.
Training and evaluation on the NeRF-Synthetic dataset (Google Drive):
export DATA_ROOT=./data/NeRF/nerf_synthetic/
export CKPT_ROOT=./data/Plenoctree/checkpoints/syn_sh16/
export SCENE=chair
export CONFIG_FILE=nerf_sh/config/blender
python -m nerf_sh.train \
--train_dir $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/
python -m nerf_sh.eval \
--chunk 4096 \
--train_dir $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/
Note for SCENE=mic
, we adopt a warmup learning rate schedule (--lr_delay_steps 50000 --lr_delay_mult 0.01
) to avoid unstable initialization.
Training and evaluation on TanksAndTemple dataset (Download Link) from the NSVF paper:
export DATA_ROOT=./data/TanksAndTemple/
export CKPT_ROOT=./data/Plenoctree/checkpoints/tt_sh25/
export SCENE=Barn
export CONFIG_FILE=nerf_sh/config/tt
python -m nerf_sh.train \
--train_dir $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/
python -m nerf_sh.eval \
--chunk 4096 \
--train_dir $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/
Before converting the NeRF-SH models into plenoctrees, you should already have the
NeRF-SH models trained/downloaded and placed at ./data/Plenoctree/checkpoints/{syn_sh16, tt_sh25}/
Also make sure you have the training data placed at
and/or ./data/TanksAndTemple
To reproduce our results in the paper, you can simplly run:
# NeRF-Synthetic dataset
python -m octree.task_manager octree/config/syn_sh16.json --gpus="0 1 2 3"
# TanksAndTemple dataset
python -m octree.task_manager octree/config/tt_sh25.json --gpus="0 1 2 3"
The above command will parallel all scenes in the dataset across the gpus you set. The json files
contain dedicated hyper-parameters towards better performance (PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS). So in this setting, a 24GB GPU is
needed for each scene and in averange the process takes about 15 minutes to finish. The converted plenoctree
will be saved to ./data/Plenoctree/checkpoints/{syn_sh16, tt_sh25}/$SCENE/octrees/
Below is a more straight-forward script for demonstration purpose:
export DATA_ROOT=./data/NeRF/nerf_synthetic/
export CKPT_ROOT=./data/Plenoctree/checkpoints/syn_sh16
export SCENE=chair
export CONFIG_FILE=nerf_sh/config/blender
python -m octree.extraction \
--train_dir $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/ --is_jaxnerf_ckpt \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
--output $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/octrees/tree.npz
python -m octree.optimization \
--input $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/tree.npz \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
--output $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/octrees/tree_opt.npz
python -m octree.evaluation \
--input $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/octrees/tree_opt.npz \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/
# [Optional] Only used for in-browser viewing.
python -m octree.compression \
$CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/octrees/tree_opt.npz \
--out_dir $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
A vanilla trained NeRF can also be converted to a plenoctree for fast inference. To mimic the view-independency propertity as in a NeRF-SH model, we project the vanilla NeRF model to SH basis functions by sampling view directions for every points in the space. Though this makes converting vanilla NeRF to a plenoctree possible, the projection process inevitability loses the quality of the model, even with a large amount of sampling view directions (which takes hours to finish). So we recommend to just directly train a NeRF-SH model end-to-end.
Below is a example of projecting a trained vanilla NeRF model from JaxNeRF repo (Download Link) to a plenoctree. After extraction, you can optimize & evaluate & compress the plenoctree just like usual:
export DATA_ROOT=./data/NeRF/nerf_synthetic/
export CKPT_ROOT=./data/JaxNeRF/jaxnerf_models/blender/
export SCENE=drums
export CONFIG_FILE=nerf_sh/config/misc/proj
python -m octree.extraction \
--train_dir $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/ --is_jaxnerf_ckpt \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--data_dir $DATA_ROOT/$SCENE/ \
--output $CKPT_ROOT/$SCENE/octrees/tree.npz \
--projection_samples 100 \
--radius 1.3
Note --projection_samples
controls how many sampling view directions are used. More sampling view directions give better
projection quality but takes longer time to finish. For example, for the drums
in the NeRF-Synthetic dataset, 100 / 10000
sampling view directions takes about 2 mins / 2 hours
to finish the plenoctree extraction.
It produce raw plenoctrees with PSNR=22.49 / 23.84
(before optimization). Note that extraction from a NeRF-SH model produce
a raw plenoctree with PSNR=25.01
In the interst reproducibility, the parameters used in the paper are also used here. For future work we recommend trying the changes in mip-NeRF for improved stability and quality:
- Centered pixels (+ 0.5 on x, y) when generating rays
- Use shifted SoftPlus instead of ReLU for density (including for octree optimization)
- Pad the RGB sigmoid output (avoid low gradient region near 0/1 color)
- Multi-scale training from mip-NeRF