Hello World! 👋
I love to code ever since I came across Pascal as a kiddo. A few programming languages and the rise of the Interweb later, PHP paid the bills, but almost killed all the fun. Enter Ruby in the mid 2000s where I found my coder happiness again. And when in need of speed, Crystal is my weapon of choice these days.
This goes to all the Ruby doomsday prophets: Please take a look at how contributions to Matz' standard Ruby implementation evolve before you even think about writing yet another one of those those annoying "10 reasons why Ruby is dead" clickbaits.
Aside from my bread-and-butter works, I regularly create new or contribute to existing open-source projects. Here's a list of my current source repos on GitHub some of which are related to gliding, my favourite of hobbies.
Thank you for supporting free and open-source software by sponsoring me here on GitHub or on Donorbox. Any gesture is appreciated, from a single Euro for a ☕️ cup of coffee to 🍹 early retirement.