Visualization of the generation and solution of mazes with various algorithms.
- set dimensions (width, height)
- set different grids by selecting rectangle, triangle or hexagonal cells
- set type of mazes
- perfect, with circles
- only with sparse/moderate/dense obstacles
- set the start and goal position yourself
- force the random path (solution) to be short, medium or long
- set your own seed
- to analyze the same maze with different algorithms, start and goal positions, etc.
- select own maze generator
- dig your maze by yourself (in one/some/every iteration)
- choose path finding algorithms
- tests different heuristics (taxicab, euclidean distance) for A* or other algorithms
- set flood option to flood the maze/playground after generation to visualize certain qualities
- provide ready to go setup
- select different start and goal positions in every iteration to not favour a specific algorithm
- play and pause the simulation any time
- change the simulation speed
- skip generation or solving to get faster to the results
- set auto pause after generation and/or solution to view the result