Pushes information about healthchecks status into InfluxDB 1.8+/2.0+ basing on data from UptimeRobot service and Infracheck endpoints.
- CPU: 1vCPU (almost does not use CPU, any will be ok)
- Memory: 64MB RAM
- Disk space: 60MB (in docker 100 MB)
SELECT last("up_int") FROM "riothealthflux" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY "name"
checked_by: "Infracheck" / "UptimeRobot"
name: "SSL Certificate: iwa-ait.org"
url: "https://infracheck.my-network.local/my-strong-secret-code/"
ident: "SSL Certificate: iwa-ait.org_https://infracheck.my-network.local/my-strong-secret-code/"
up: "true" / "false"
tag(up): "true" / "false"
tag(up_int): "1" / "0"
tag(id): "md5-hash-there"
tag(url): "https://infracheck.my-network.local/my-strong-secret-code/"
tag(name): "SSL Certificate: iwa-ait.org"
version: "2.4"
image: quay.io/riotkit/riothealthflux:3.0.0
# list of providers, separated by ";"
# Supported providers: Infracheck, UptimeRobot
# Infracheck with a secret code:
# Infracheck://http://health.my-network.somewhere/infracheck-secret-code-there
# Infracheck without secret code:
# Infracheck://http://health.my-network.somewhere/
# UptimeRobot (token you can generate in UptimeRobot web user interface in dashboard settings):
# UptimeRobot://your-token-there
RIOT_PROVIDERS: "UptimeRobot://aaaaa-bbbbbb;UptimeRobot://xxxx-yyyyyy;Infracheck://cccccc-ddddddd"
# time interval in seconds how often to write data to InfluxDB
# (consider fact that eg. UptimeRobot in free plan is running checks every 5 minutes.
# Infracheck is open and free, and can run checks more often as you wish)
# allows to customize the measurement name that is pushed to the InfluxDB
- PHP 8.0+
- Composer
- php-curl (PHP extension)
- php-json (PHP extension)
composer install
export RIOT_PROVIDERS="Infracheck://;UptimeRobot://..."
export INFLUXDB_URL="http+influxdb://bakunin:bakunin@localhost:8086/hulajpole"
# optional: Configure measurement name
export INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT_NAME="riothealthflux"
# run each time you want to push the data to InfluxDB
# put it in a loop with a sleep, or schedule with a crontab
./bin/console background-process
- Create a release in Github releases
- Wait for pipeline to build and publish to docker registry
UptimeRobot to InfluxDB. Healthchecks in Grafana.
We are grassroot activists for social change, so we created RKD especially in mind for those fantastic initiatives:
- RiotKit (https://riotkit.org)
- International Workers Association (https://iwa-ait.org)
- Anarchistyczne FAQ (http://anarchizm.info) a translation of Anarchist FAQ (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-faq-editorial-collective-an-anarchist-faq)
- Federacja Anarchistyczna (http://federacja-anarchistyczna.pl)
- Związek Syndykalistów Polski (https://zsp.net.pl) (Polish section of IWA-AIT)
- Komitet Obrony Praw Lokatorów (https://lokatorzy.info.pl)
- Solidarity Federation (https://solfed.org.uk)
- Priama Akcia (https://priamaakcia.sk)
Special thanks to Working Class History <https://twitter.com/wrkclasshistory>
_ for very powerful samples that we could use in our unit tests.