The model code for the poroelastic model assocaited with the article titled "A generalized poroelastic model using FEniCS with insights into the Noordbergum effect" by Haagenson et al. published in Computers & Geosciences.
Haagenson, R., Rajaram, H., Allen, J., 2019. A generalized poroelastic model using FEniCS with insights into the Noordbergum effect. Computers & Geosciences.
Please refer to the model's User Guide and the associated journal article for information on how to edit and use the model code. For information on the FEniCS software (which the model uses extensively), please refer to There you will find information on how to install and use the FEniCS software.
This code was written with the Python module of FEniCS version 2017.2.0. To be made compatible with other version, alterations to the syntax may be required. To install FEniCS version 2017.2.0, please refer to the stable Docker images mentioned on the FEniCS project webpage.
Please contact the corresonding author, Ryan Haagenson, at