Tailoring XES-based event logs with command-line based operations. Operations are designed based on relational algebra.
doi: 10.7472/jksii.2019.20.6.21
- Select - parses the specific data from the event log.
- Union - integrates two logs which have same process model with different part.
- Slice - divides a log file into several log files by the number of traces.
There are some command-line based usages. They are designed based SQL queries to be used easily.
open $(XES file);
Get the file handler and do some preprocessing before using.
use $(XES file);
Check which file to tailor. must be used after open.
Show opened file lists.
slice $(num of traces);
Divides the file by given num of traces. For example, slice by 500 to a file with 3000 traces, it will generate 6 files with 500 traces each.
select $(attributes) from $(element) where $(conditions)
Parses specific element's attributes from current using file which meet given conditions.
hunion $(XES file);
Integrates current using file with given xes file. It's process model must be equal to the current one's and their contents are horizontally divided.