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There are two types of ResNet in Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition, by Kaiming He et al. One for ImageNet and another for CIFAR-10.

I had implemented the ResNet-50/101/152 (ImageNet one) by Python with Tensorflow in this repo. You can train my ResNet-50/101/152 without pretrain weights or load the pretrain weights of ImageNet. I had trained and tested my ResNet-50/101/152 on Kaggle Plant Seedings Classification.

My Environment

Environment 1

  • Operating System:
    • Arch Linux 4.20.7-1
  • Memory
    • 64GB
  • CUDA:
    • CUDA V10.0.130
  • CUDNN:
    • CUDNN 7.0.5-2
  • GPU:
    • GTX 1070 8G
  • Nvidia driver:
    • 390.25
  • Python:
    • python 3.6.4
  • Python package:
    • tqdm, bs4, opencv-python, pydensecrf, cython...
  • Tensorflow:
    • tensorflow-gpu 1.5.0

Downloading the plant seeding dataset from Kaggle

Setup Dataset

My directory structure

├── dataset
├── models
└── pretrain_models

Plant seeding dataset directory structure

├── Black-grass
├── Charlock
├── Cleavers
├── Common Chickweed
├── Common wheat
├── Fat Hen
├── Loose Silky-bent
├── Maize
├── Scentless Mayweed
├── Shepherds Purse
├── Small-flowered Cranesbill
└── Sugar beet
  • Put train.zip and test.zip (Plant seeding dataset) into {PATH}/ResNet-PreAct/ResNet/dataset/
mv {PATH}/train.zip {PATH}/ResNet-PreAct/ResNet/dataset/
mv {PATH}/test.zip {PATH}/ResNet-PreAct/ResNet/dataset/
  • Unzip train.zip and test.zip to the {PATH}/ResNet-PreAct/ResNet/dataset
unzip train.zip
unzip test.zip
  • Resize and split the dataset into train, val and test
python ./dataset/resize.py

Demo (See Usage for more details)

Download pretrain model training on plant seeding dataset

  • Pretrain model
    • Move files from resnet_v2_50_val to '{PATH}/models/resnet_v2_50'
  • Run test
    python test.py --layers 50 --batch 1 --recover 272  
  • Run train (See Training for more details)
    python train.py --layers 50 --batch 16 --val 0 --recover 272 --pretrain 0  
  • Performance
Key Value
Method ResNet50-Preact
Language Python with Tensorflow
Pretrain weight ImageNet
Dataset 20% to validation
Best epoch 272
Validation set accuracy 96.72%
Submission time 2019/1/18
Result 96.72%

Training (See Usage for more details)

Download pretrain weights of ImageNet

Train network

  • Set parameters
    • set number of layers for ResNet
    • set loading pretrain weights of ImageNet or not
    • set adding validation set into training set or not
    • Check Usage for other parameters
python train.py --layers [50|101|152] --pretrain [0|1] --val [0|1]    
  • For example
python train.py --layers 50 --pretrain 1 --val 0    

Check performance (See Usage for more details)

Test validation set

python val.py --layer [50|101|152] --recover [0+]    
  • For example
python val.py --layer 50 --recover 299    

Testing (See Usage for more details)

Test network

  • Result will be stored as '.csv' file in {PATH}/ResNet/dataset/
python test.py --layers [50|101|152] --batch 1 --recover [0+]
  • For example
python test.py --layers 50 --batch 1 --recover 299

Training on your own dataset

  • Put the images of training set into {PATH}/ResNet/train/{class_name}/
  • If you have testing set, put it into {PATH}/ResNet/test/
  • Modify the class name in resize.py



  • Resize and split the dataset into train, val, test


  • Compute the accuracy of the result
  • May be called by train.py and val.py


  • Load and preprocess dataset
  • May be called by train.py, val.py and test.py


  • Parse the command line argument
  • May be called by train.py, val.py and test.py


  • The implementation of the network


  • Test the testing set and store the result in the 'dataset' as .csv file
usage: test.py [-h] [--layers LAYERS] [--classes CLASSES] [--batch BATCH]
               [--recover RECOVER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --layers LAYERS    select number of layers from [50, 101, 152] (default:
  --classes CLASSES  number of classes (default: 12)
  --batch BATCH      batch size (default: 16)
  --recover RECOVER  recover weights (default: 0)


  • Train the network
usage: train.py [-h] [--layers LAYERS] [--classes CLASSES] [--batch BATCH]
                [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LR] [--pretrain PRETRAIN] [--save SAVE]
                [--recover RECOVER] [--val VAL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --layers LAYERS      select number of layers from [50, 101, 152] (default:
  --classes CLASSES    number of classes (default: 12)
  --batch BATCH        batch size (default: 16)
  --epoch EPOCH        max epoch (default: 300)
  --lr LR              learning rate (default: 0.001)
  --pretrain PRETRAIN  load pretrain weights or not. [0, 1]=[False, True]
                       (default: 1)
  --save SAVE          save step for saver (default: 1)
  --recover RECOVER    recover weights and continue training ot not. [-1,
                       0+]=[False, True] (default: -1)
  --val VAL            add validation set into training set or not. [0,
                       1]=[False, True] (default: 0)


  • Test the validation set
usage: val.py [-h] [--layers LAYERS] [--classes CLASSES] [--batch BATCH]
              [--recover RECOVER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --layers LAYERS    select number of layers from [50, 101, 152] (default:
  --classes CLASSES  number of classes (default: 12)
  --batch BATCH      batch size (default: 16)
  --recover RECOVER  recover weights (default: 0)
