JEDI is an automated system to jointly extract typed named entities and Freebase relations using dependency pattern from text.
You need to setup the pattern-relation assignment lucene index, hosted here (900 MB) Download and extract it into the root directory of the project
curl -O
tar xvfj freepal-index.tar.bz2
rm freepal-index.tar.bz2
If you place the index directory into a different location, adjust the
location field in the properties file sample/src/main/resources/
To start a simple test once setup, run
./mvnw install -DskipTests
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl sample
For the sample sentence
Bill Gothard received his B.A. in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College in 1957.
The system produces
Object | Relation | Subject | Pattern |
Bill Gothard | /people/person/education. /education/education/degree | B.A. | [X] receive [Y] [1-dobj-2,1-nsubj-0] |
Bill Gothard | /people/person/education. /education/education/major_field_of_study | Biblical Studies | [X] receive in [Y] [1-nsubj-0,1-prep-2,2-pobj-3] |
Bill Gothard | /people/person/education. /education/education/institution | Wheaton College | [X] receive from [Y] [1-nsubj-0,1-prep-2,2-pobj-3] |
B.A. | /education/educational_degree/people_with_this_degree. /education/education/major_field_of_study | Biblical Studies | receive [X] in [Y] [0-dobj-1,0-prep-2,2-pobj-3] |
B.A. | /education/educational_degree/people_with_this_degree. /education/education/institution | Wheaton College | receive [X] from [Y] [0-dobj-1,0-prep-2,2-pobj-3] |
Biblical Studies | /education/field_of_study/students_majoring. /education/education/institution | Wheaton College | receive in [X] from [Y] [0-prep-1,0-prep-3,1-pobj-2,3-pobj-4] |
Jedi also detects inverse relation, if they are specified in Freebase
You can use to import the maven dependencies into your code.
For maven, add a new repository pointing to jitpack.
And add the following dependency, which uses the latest master version.
Sample Code for embedding JEDI
// initialize text annotation pipeline
TextAnnotationPipeline annotationPipeline =
// create pattern feature extractor
AbstractShortestPathFeatureExtractor featureExtractor
= new AllPairsShortestPathFeatureExtractor(
" -lemmatize " +
" -resolveCoreferences " +
" -selectionType " + N.class.getName() +
" -additionalSelectionType " + ADJ.class.getName() +
" -name all");
// initialize detection service with defaults
JediService jediService = new JediService(annotationPipeline, featureExtractor);
String sentence = "Bill Gothard received his B.A. in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College in 1957.";
// execute relation detection
RelationDetectionResults<Annotation> relations = jediService.detectRelations(sentence);