The code and data for "DEER: Descriptive Knowledge Graph for Explaining Entity Relationships" (EMNLP '22)
We propose DEER🦌 (Descriptive Knowledge Graph for Explaining Entity Relationships) - an open and informative form of modeling entity relationships. In DEER, relationships between entities are represented by free-text relation descriptions. For instance, the relationship between entities of machine learning and algorithm is represented as "Machine learning explores the study and construction of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data."
See requirements.txt
Data are available on this link
Suppose you already have downloaded the Wikipedia dump and preprocess it with WikiExtractor, you may extract the candidate relation descriptions by running.
python preprocess_wikipedia [Wikipedia/folder]
This code may run 26 hours to finish and you will get a digraph.pickle file under an extract_wiki folder.
You may directly download the digraph.pickle file from this link
[Option] The DEER is a directed graph. You may find it useful to have a undirected version for later steps. To convert the directed graph into an undirected one, you need to first make sure there exist a file extract_wiki/digraph.pickle, then run
python convert_dir_to_undir
and you will get a graph.pickle file under an extract_wiki folder.
To generate the dataset, run
python collect_sample [source graph directed(true/false)] [target graph directed(true/false)] [context_threshold]
To get the dataset used to train the model in the paper, just use the default value by running
python collect_sample false true 0.75
and you will get a dataset file named dataset_0.50_undir2dir_0.75.json under the extract_wiki folder.
To get the train/dev/test split, run
python split_dataset [dataset_file] [prefix]
where [dataset_file] is the dataset file generated from last step and [prefix] is the string prepended to the generated files, which is optional. You will get [prefix]_train/dev/test.json files when this command is finished.
Train model
python model/ --config config/train3.yaml
Generate relation descriptions for entity pairs in test set
python model/ --config config/test3.yaml
Use Automatic metrics to evaluate the generated sentences in test set
python [model_path/in/test/config]/final_output.tsv
A output.txt and a target.txt file will be generated after running the above command. Then, run
bash output.txt target.txt
to compare the generation outputs with the targets.
The details of this repo are described in the following paper. If you find this repo useful, please kindly cite it:
title={DEER: Descriptive Knowledge Graph for Explaining Entity Relationships},
author={Huang, Jie and Zhu, Kerui and Chang, Kevin Chen-Chuan and Xiong, Jinjun and Hwu, Wen-mei},
booktitle={Proceedings of EMNLP},