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A test library for Fortran, supporting the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) inspired by Perl's Test::More module


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ForTAPt: A Fortran implementation of http://testanything.org/ (TAP)

Testing does not have to be complicated; without it we are lost.

TAP stands for Test Anything Protocol, and is a textual protocol supported by many testing tools, and build servers such as Jenkins.

ForTAPt, or Fortran Test Anything Protocol toolbox, is a minimal modern Fortran TAP implementation providing:

  • TAP producer module (inspired by Perl's Test::More module) made available in user code via use fortapt_m for creating tests, and
  • command line TAP consumer program / test runner runtests for running and summarizing test results.

The command line TAP consumer program, runtests, works as a simple test harness for bare needs. Perl's prove(1) can also be used for now as long as one remember to let the test programs have the suffix ".t"

The test module has some additions for comparing floating point numbers: absolute and relative comparison with the subroutines isabs and isrel, in addition to isnear, which uses division instead of subtraction as isabs.

Other than that compile time overloading is used for the subroutines is and isnt. There is no support for subtests. They would be nice to have, but you can just write more test programs or use plain old subroutines to divide the work, so most likely they will not be implemented.

There are also 2 public streams for test output and diagnostic notes, which by default are assigned to OUTPUT_UNIT and ERROR_UNIT.

See http://testanything.org/tap-specification.html to understand the output that the test module is supposed to produce. The subroutines are transparent and easy to understand once you understand the simple test protocol (TAP).

The philosophy behind this implementation is to have something simple to quickly get on with testing while at the same time it is easy to modify and extend for one's own purpose: All too often it is too difficult to remove something from a library. It's better to strike a balance, and make it easy to add to a library while still having an implementation that takes care of the most common things.

ForTAPt comes with the OpenBSD/ISC license.


ForTAPt is built and packaged using the open source Fortran Package Manager fpm, for trivial integration into user projects.

The package is built simply by issuing the following command

fpm build

This creates a ./build/<FC>_<BUILD> directory containing a static library fortapt/libfortapt, the consumer program app/runtest and an example test program test/test_example.

By default, <FC>=gfortran and <BUILD>=debug. To build with e.g. ifort in release mode, type

fpm build --release --compiler ifort

See fpm's documentation for other options and details.

To see the test harness in action, instruct fpm to run the test program using the test runner

fpm test --runner ./build/gfortran_debug/app/runtests

To make ForTAPt a dependency of your own projects, simply by add the following lines to the [[test]] section of your project's fpm.toml file.

fortapt = { git = "https://github.com/jbdv-no/fortapt.git"}

The *.f90 Fortran source files making up fortapt_m are located in the ./src directory - this includes *.inc files is_int, isabs_real, isnear_real and isrel_real that are include'd as poor man's templates to support different integer and real kinds.

Source code for the command line TAP consumer program runtests.f90 is found in the ./app folder, and source code of an example program test_examples.f90 illustrating the use of fortrapt_m is located in the ./test folder.

While a Makefile replicating some of fpm's behaviour is also provided, illustrating the use of ForTAPt for non-fpm projects, the build options are more limited, and fpm should always be considered as the most up to date reference.


use fortapt_m

call plan(23)
! or
call skip_all(reason)
! or see done_testing

! Various ways to say 'ok'
call ok(got .eq. expected, test_name) ! test names are optional

call   is(got, expected, test_name)
call isnt(got, expected, test_name)

call isabs(got, expected, epsilon, test_name)
call isrel(got, expected, epsilon, test_name)
call isnear(got, expected, test_name)

! Rather than WRITE (ERROR_UNIT,'(A)') "# here's what went wrong"
call diag("here's what went wrong")

if (.not. have_some_feature()) then
   call skip(why, how_many) ! how_many is optional and default 1
   call ok(foo(), test_name)
   call is(foo(42), 23, test_name)
   ! ...
end if

call todo(why, how_many)
call ok(foo(), test_name)
call is(foo(42), 23, test_name)
! ...

call pass(test_name)
call fail(test_name)

! Stop test program after writing why rather than ERROR STOP
call bail_out(why)



  • plan/skip_all
  • done_testing
  • ok
  • is/isnt
  • isabs/isntabs
  • isrel/isntrel
  • isnear/isntnear
  • pass/fail
  • skip/todo
  • note/diag
  • bail_out

The examples use "=>" in a comment to indicate output.

See http://search.cpan.org/~mschwern/Test-Simple/lib/Test/More.pm for a more detailed explanation and raison d'être of the test routines.

To plan or not to plan

The number of tests to run is part of a test program, so that the test harness (TAP consumer) can report if any test wasn't run at all.

You indicate this either at the beginning or at the end of a test program. The number of tests can be calculated in both instances.

Calling skip_all stops the test immediately after writing the reason why on TEST_UNIT.


call plan(23)
! => 1..23

call plan(size(keys) * 3) ! Given size(keys) = 4
! => 1..12

call skip_all("Only relevant on OpenBSD")
! => 1..0 # Skipped: Only relevant on OpenBSD

call done_testing ! Simply does nothing if you planned ahead

call done_testing(11)
! => 1..11

call done_testing(cases * 5) ! Given cases = 6
! => 1..30

Test names

Test names are optional, and by default nothing more than test result "ok" or "not ok" including a test number is output. Including them gives you an idea of what failed.

What would you rather see?

ok 34 - basic standard variance
not ok 35 - root mean square
ok 36 - volt == ampere * ohm


ok 34
not ok 35
ok 36

It also makes it easier to find tests in your program, e.g. it's easier to search for "root mean square" than "35". On the other hand the test number uniquely identifies a test.


call ok(3 == 3, 'Integer equivalence')
! => ok 1 - Integer equivalence

call ok(leq("Dines", "Dennis"))
! => not ok 2

call is(5, 2+2, '2 + 2 == 5')
! => not ok 3 - 2 + 2 == 5
! => #  Failed test '2 + 2 == 5'
! => #       got: 4
! => #  expected: 5

A failed test outputs some more diagnostic output about why. Diagnostic output lines begins with a number sign (octothorpe), "#".

How tests do comparisons

You can stick to using routine ok to do tests, but some convenient routines are supplied for easier comparison of different types. In particular the is routine is overloaded for different types.

There are also a few special is routines for comparison of floating point numbers whose representation by definition is inexact: isabs, isrel, and isnear. The routine isabs is good for comparison of small numbers while isrel is good for comparison of large numbers. They both take an optional epsilon which by default is the intrinsic epsilon(got). The routine isnear is similar to isabs, but uses division instead of subtraction. Originally the routine was supposed to use the intrinsic nearest(x, s), which returns the nearest different machine number in the direction given by the sign of the real s, but then I discovered 2 ways of doing relative comparisons of floating point numbers. One can still use nearest to compare the floating point numbers A and B:

    call ok(nearest(A, -1.0) <= B .and. B <= nearest(A, +1.0))

Using nearest in such a way considers a near miss to be a hit, but it seems more fragile than analyzing the calculation and taking precision and accuracy into account.

For other values, just use the routine is with the result as first argument and the expected result as second argument.


call is(3, 3)
call is("Dines", "Dines")
call is(.true., .false.)
call is(point(2, 3), point(2, 3)) ! Given operator(==) is overloaded.

call isabs(sqrt(2.0), 1.4142, 0.5e-3) ! 3 decimal digit precision
call isrel(10023.0, 10025.0, 0.5e-4) ! 4 largest digits precision

In summary:

is(a,b): is a equal to b?
isabs(a, b): abs(a) - abs(b) < e, where e = eps
isrel(a, b): abs(a) - abs(b) < e, where e = (abs(a) + abs(b)) * eps
isnear(a,b): abs(abs(a) / abs(b) - 1) <= e, where e = eps

Complex numbers cannot be compared directly with relative operators or equality operators. In that case use either the intrinsic functions real and imag, or the pseudo-components (since Fortran 2003) %re and %im to compare the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.


call is(real(a), real(b))
call is(imag(a), imag(b))
call is(a%re, b%re)
call is(a%im, b%im)

Testing arrays

Deep comparison of elements in arrays or derived types doesn't make a lot of sense in Fortran, in part because it can be overloaded on derived types, but also because very often better comparison techniques can be used instead. It depends on the problem. Hence they are not as useful, and has not been implemented.

Complex tests

This test module does not implement subtests. They could be useful, but on the other hand they would require so much more to set up that it would defeat the purpose. Separating stuff into test programs will handle most cases with ease anyway, and the rest with minimal pain. It is possible to use program generation if need be or just plain old subroutines.

If having complicated tests, one can use the routines pass and fail, which are synonymous with ok(.true.) and ok(.false.) to tell whether a test is to pass or fail.


call pass
! => ok 40
call pass("support for linear regression")
! => ok 41 - support for linear regression
call fail
! => not ok 42
call fail("hairy numbers does not work")
! => not ok 43 - hairy numbers does not work

In that case it is also useful to write one's own notes and diagnostics. Both the routines note and diag outputs a string as a single line preceded with a number sign (octothorpe), "#", but note does it on the test output, which will not be seen in a test harness, while diag does it on the diagnostic output which is always visible. By default test output unit is OUTPUT_UNIT, and diagnostic output is ERROR_UNIT.

call note("Tempfile is " // tempfile)
! => # Tempfile is XYZ123456
call diag("There is no XYZ, check that /etc/XYZ.ini is set up right")
! => # There is no XYZ, check that /etc/XYZ.ini is set up right

Currently there is no overloaded subroutine that will take several strings for several lines, since that has not been very useful, but maybe in the future.

Conditional tests

One can skip a test if there is insufficient conditions to run it, or it doesn't make sense, or it's impossible to do so. In that case one calls skip instead of the test routines. Skipped tests are always reported as being ok. Please note that calling skip unconditionally, i.e. outside an if block or similar is surely a mistake. If the test program is planned, this mistake will be caught by the test harness, or simply by the test program failing by error.

One does not skip tests with failures or tests with only stubbed-out code to be tested. For that one uses todo tests.

One can indicate a test as unfinished and yet to be done by calling the routine todo. The test must still be run, and it is expected to fail. Any todo test that passes is supposed to be reported by any test harness as unexpectedly passing, so one can remove the todo status, once the work is done.

Both skip and todo routines take an optional test_name and an optional how_many, which is default 1.


call skip
! => ok 50 # Skipped
call skip("No test data on the network")
! => ok 51 # SKIP: No test data on the network
call skip("No APP_DATA directory", 3)
! => ok 52 # SKIP: No APP_DATA directory
! => ok 53 # SKIP: No APP_DATA directory
! => ok 54 # SKIP: No APP_DATA directory
call skip(2)
! => ok 55 # SKIP
! => ok 56 # SKIP

call todo
call ok(.false.)
! => not ok 57 - # TODO
call todo("Lookup details in the cryptic article")
call ok(.false.)
! => not ok 58 - # TODO: Lookup details in the cryptic article
call todo
call ok(.false., "Monte carlo test set up")
! => not ok 59 - Monte carlo test set up # TODO
call todo("Resolve learning problems")
call is(supervise(data), 97.0, "Bayes with 97% class")
! => not ok 60 - Bayes with 97% class # TODO: Resolve learning problems

call todo("Halting problem unsolved", 3)
call ok(.false., "Infinite loop")
call ok(.false., "Infinite recursion")
call ok(.false., "Infinite Turing tape")
! => not ok 61 - Infinite loop # TODO: Halting problem unsolved
! => not ok 62 - Infinite recursion # TODO: Halting problem unsolved
! => not ok 63 - Infinite Turing tape # TODO: Halting problem unsolved
call todo(2)
call ok(.false., "Stubbed-out")
call ok(.false., "Stubbed-out")
! => not ok 64 - # TODO
! => not ok 65 - # TODO

Skipping a todo test has not been implemented yet. Maybe it'll be useful, maybe not. Currently skipping a test means also skipping a todo test.

Diagnostic output

The note routine writes a string on the TEST_UNIT (default OUTPUT_UNIT), also known as the TAP stream, together with the other test lines without interfering with the test harness. The output is not visible when run from a test harness. It is useful for notes, headlines, error correction, and other things that are not exactly problems.

The diag routine writes a string on the DIAG_UNIT (default ERROR_UNIT), and is always visible, even when run from a test harness. Output about gotten and expected outputs are written this way. It is useful for diagnostic output in complex tests (see Complex tests above)

The TEST_UNIT and DIAG_UNIT can be set to other unit for the purpose of redirecting the TAP or diagnostic stream elsewhere for particular testing purposes: They are public from the test module.

Stopping a test

The bail_out routine does an error stop after writing an optional message.


call bail_out
! => Bail out!

call bail_out("PostgreSQL is not running")
! => Bail out! PostgreSQL is not running


The fortapt_m module is not thread safe. You can run test programs in parallel or use test routines with coarrays, but the fortapt_m module itself is "thread ignorant" and is inherently sequential. You can of course divide your tests into subroutines, and are encouraged to do so.

Exit codes

The status/exit code has some historical complications both for test programs as well as for Fortran in general, so it's not supported at all. A test program exits with status code 0 (zero) on those platforms that have such a thing, but in reality it depends on the fortran processor (compiler).


The fortapt_m module is a minor refactoring of Fortran-testanything that was inspired by Perl's simple Test, Test::More and Test Anything Protocol (TAP) that Perl's Test::Harness handles. In Perl the tool prove(1) handles TAP.

The great idea is to separate tests from test result consumers via a simple text based protocol.

It turns out that the Test Anything Protocol is easy, simple, and transparent to implement in Fortran itself. There is no need for heavy tooling even in big, elaborate test suites. Perl itself is proof of that. It is customary for a perl module uploaded to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) to be accompanied with tests, and currently there are beyond 25000 modules on CPAN.

There is a curious lack of Fortran test libraries written in Fortran itself. They usually require a preprocessor or a scripting language to do collection, preprocessing, transcription and processing of the tests. Examples of popular ones are Fruit, ftunit, pFUnit, flibs, FortUnit, FUnit, and ObjecxxFTK:

  • Fruit (fortranxunit): Fortran Unit Test Framework, BSD-like license, requires Ruby, active in 2015,
  • ftunit (NASA): NASA open source license 1.3, requires Ruby, active in 2015,
  • pFUnit (NASA): NASA open source license 1.3, requires Python,
  • flibs (Arjen Markus): BSD-like license, requires Tcl, stopped in 2008,
  • FortUnit: GPLv2 license, requires Perl, stopped in 2004 and seems gone (no source),
  • FUnit: requires Ruby, stopped in 2009,
  • ObjecxxFTK: requires Python; perpetual, royalty-free license for source allowing client modifications - modest license fee.

As of 2021, there are at least a couple of test libraries written in Fortran itself to choose from (for keeping your code healthy...):

  • Vegetables (Brad Richardson): A Fortran testing framework written using functional programming principles, MIT License, active in 2021.
  • naturalFRUIT (Cibin Joseph): A Fortran based unit testing framework derived from the original Fruit, BSD-3-Clause, active in 2021.

ForTAPt is less capable than these latest Fortran only test libraries, but with its "small is beautiful" philosophy, it hopefully lowers the bar so much, that there is no excuse for not writing unit tests in Fortran projects that may otherwise forsake this crucial component. ForTAPt is a first step, bare bones, minimal, pure modern Fortran toolbox, without any dependencies other than a fairly recent Fortran compiler. This is due to the separation between test producers and test consumers. While one can use Perl's prove(1) tool as a test harness, one can also use any other test harness written in any other programming language implementation, e.g. the plugins in the Jenkins build server to handle the TAP streams and make pretty reports. ForTAPt comes with its own little test harness if one does not have or does not want to install Perl.

Frameworks such as pFUnit comes with much more support for things such as MPI, OpenMP, and MPICH; array tools for checking size, rank, and shape; preprocessing; and OO-support. ForTAPt on the other hand tries to be small and easily modifiable. Adding small functions and test subroutines to supplement specific use cases is easy.

Testing does not have to be complicated.


ForTAPt comes with the OpenBSD/ISC license, i.e. the ISC license anno 2003, the one without the "and/or" conjunction. Lawyers have told me that it does not make any legal difference in its context, which is already quite clear, and so a simpler language is preferred, hence just the "and" junction as in the original license. By the way, the original ISC license is extremely close to the words of the original BSD license, but without any words made unnecessary by the Berne Convention.

It is one of the least restrictive licenses under the Berne Convention.


A test library for Fortran, supporting the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) inspired by Perl's Test::More module







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  • Fortran 86.1%
  • C++ 13.9%