Reduce boilerplate by eliminating the TDML unit test companion class.
- A test suite generating plugin
- A test interface for the generated suites
sbt pubishLocal
from root projectsbt plugin/scripted
from root projectsbt -Dplugin.version=0.2-SNAPSHOT test
from test project
Running sbt test
on the scripted tdml/simple project, which contains no test classes only tdml descriptors, results in
[info] [info] TDML Suite: boolean.tdml
[info] [info] - booleanDefault
[info] [info] - booleanDefaultSDE
[info] [info] - booleanInputValueCalc
[info] [info] - booleanInputValueCalcError
[info] [info] TDML Suite: nested/literal-character-nils.tdml
[info] [info] - text_01
[info] [info] - text_01ic
[info] [info] - text_02
[info] [info] - text_03
[info] [info] - text_04
[info] [info] - binary_01
[info] [info] TDML Suite: literal-value-nils.tdml
[info] [info] - text_03
[info] [info] - text_03ic
[info] [info] - text_04
[info] [info] - text_05
[info] [info] - text_06
[info] [info] - binary_01
[info] [info] - test_padded_nils
[info] [info] - test_complex_nil
[info] [info] - text_nil_characterClass_04_parse
[info] [info] - nillable_ovc_01
[info] [info] Passed: Total 20, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 20
[info] [success] Total time: 18 s, completed Jan 7, 2021 8:56:57 AM
A test run in the Daffodil test project after removing all scala unit tests and performing a couple small clean up tweaks
#! sbt daffodil-test/test
[error] Error: Total 3365, Failed 680, Errors 1, Passed 2684
[error] Failed tests:
[error] Tdml_multiFile
[error] Tdml_TextNumberProps
[error] Tdml_PropertySyntax
[error] Tdml_Functions
[error] Tdml_PatternTests
[error] Tdml_SimpleTypes
[error] Tdml_BitOrder
[error] Tdml_Entities
[error] Tdml_PrefixedTests
[error] Tdml_Aligned_Data
[error] Tdml_variables
[error] Tdml_UserSubmittedTests
[error] Tdml_dfdl_schema_validation_diagnostics
[error] Tdml_Facets
[error] Tdml_PropertyScoping
[error] Tdml_DelimiterProperties
[error] Tdml_inputValueCalc
[error] Tdml_expression_fail
[error] Tdml_Validation
[error] Tdml_ProcessingErrors
[error] Tdml_assert
[error] Tdml_namespaces
[error] Tdml_TextStandardBase
[error] Tdml_defineFormat
[error] Tdml_expressions
[error] Tdml_DFDLSubset
[error] Tdml_escapeSchemeNeg
[error] Tdml_ContentFramingProps
[error] Tdml_general
[error] Tdml_inputTypeCalc_malformed
[error] Tdml_DelimitedTests
[error] Tdml_variables_01
[error] Tdml_SequenceGroup
[error] Tdml_ExplicitTests
[error] Tdml_BitOrderInvalid
[error] Tdml_packed
[error] Tdml_parseUnparseModeTest
[error] Tdml_testUnparserFileBuffering
[error] Tdml_SequenceGroupDelimiters
[error] Tdml_RegularExpressions
[error] Tdml_testUnparserGeneral
[error] Tdml_discriminator
[error] Tdml_expressions3
[error] Error during tests:
[error] Tdml_escapeScheme
[error] (daffodil-test / Test / test) sbt.TestsFailedException: Tests unsuccessful
[error] Total time: 159 s (02:39), completed Jan 7, 2021 11:39:16 AM