Kafka Smart Monitoring / Kafka Connect for Splunk demo cookbook
git clone https://github.com/guilhemmarchand/kafka-docker-splunk.git
Any Splunk configuration as index or sourcetype definition required in the following demos are already available to the Splunk instance if you use the Splunk On Docker template.
To run a Splunk instance in Docker in the guest:
cd kafka-docker-splunk/template_docker_splunk_ondocker/
docker compose up -d --no-deps splunk
sleep 15
docker compose up -d zookeeper-1
docker compose up -d zookeeper-2
docker compose up -d zookeeper-3
sleep 15
docker compose up -d kafka-1
docker compose up -d kafka-2
docker compose up -d kafka-3
sleep 15
docker compose up -d kafka-connect-1
docker compose up -d telegraf
docker compose up -d kafka-data-gen
docker compose up -d burrow
docker compose up -d kafka-monitor
Confluent Optionally:
docker compose up -d schema-registry
docker compose up -d ksql-server
docker compose up -d kafka-rest
To use a Splunk instance running locally or elsewhere:
cd kafka-docker-splunk/template_docker_splunk_localhost/
If the Splunk instance is hosted elsewhere than the host, edit docker compose.yml and update the HEC target
docker compose up -d zookeeper-1
docker compose up -d zookeeper-2
docker compose up -d zookeeper-3
sleep 15
docker compose up -d kafka-1
docker compose up -d kafka-2
docker compose up -d kafka-3
sleep 15
docker compose up -d kafka-connect-1
docker compose up -d telegraf
docker compose up -d kafka-data-gen
docker compose up -d burrow
docker compose up -d kafka-monitor
Confluent Optionally:
docker compose up -d schema-registry
docker compose up -d ksql-server
docker compose up -d kafka-rest
Access the Splunk UI: (if running in Docker / localhost)
Install the Kafka Smart Monitoring app:
If Splunk is not running in Docker with provided templates, you can simple install these base config apps to pre-configure an HEC token, indexers and some other configuration items:
- TA-docker-kafka
- TA-telegraf-kafka
Once everything is up and running, the UI would show components discovered:
The most convenient and the most performing way of ingesting Kafka messages in Splunk is to target the HEC event endpoint.
However, there are strict limitations regarding the date time parsing capabilities, unless specific in a specific format in a specific way, the _time will be equal to the ingestion time in Splunk, often enough this may not be compliant with the requirements. (the time stamp is not accurate, delay in the ingestion would cause even more inaccuracy)
- Generate 1 million of messages in a topic: "kafka_demo"
cd kafka-docker-splunk/template_docker_splunk_<replace with your context>
docker compose exec kafka-data-gen /bin/bash
java -jar /app/kafka-data-gen.jar -message-count 1000000 -message-size 256 -topic kafka_demo1 -bootstrap.servers "kafka-1:19092,kafka-2:29092,kafka-3:39092" -acks all -kafka-retries 0 -kafka-batch-size 60000 -kafka-linger 1 -kafka-buffer-memory 33554432 -eps 0 -output-eventhubs false -output-kafka true -output-stdout false
Create an index in Splunk named "kafka_demo"
Create a new HEC token, do no specifiy any sourcetype / source and select the default index to be kafka_demo
Create a new Sink connector:
modify the HEC target if Splunk is not running in Docker
modify the HEC token accordingly
run the curl command on a new terminal
curl localhost:18082/connectors -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "sink-splunk-demo1",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.splunk.kafka.connect.SplunkSinkConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"splunk.indexes": "kafka_demo",
"splunk.sourcetypes": "kafka:gen",
"splunk.sources": "kafka:west:emea:demo1",
"splunk.hec.uri": "https://splunk:8088",
"splunk.hec.token": "1f2e3966-14ad-11eb-9bfa-acde48001122",
"splunk.hec.raw": "false",
"splunk.hec.ssl.validate.certs": "false"
The topic activity will be visible in the Kafka Smart monitoring interface, and data should be ingested in Splunk.
Splunk search example:
index=kafka_demo sourcetype=kafka:gen source=kafka:west:emea:demo1
| eval latency_time_to_indextime=(_indextime-_time)
| eval timestamp_epoch=strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
| eval latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp=_indextime-timestamp_epoch
| timechart span=1m count as eventcount, avg(latency_time_to_indextime) as latency_time_to_indextime, avg(latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp) as latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp
- Generate 1 million of messages in a topic: "kafka_demo"
cd kafka-docker-splunk/template_docker_splunk_<replace with your context>
docker compose exec kafka-data-gen /bin/bash
java -jar /app/kafka-data-gen.jar -message-count 1000000 -message-size 256 -topic kafka_demo2 -bootstrap.servers "kafka-1:19092,kafka-2:29092,kafka-3:39092" -acks all -kafka-retries 0 -kafka-batch-size 60000 -kafka-linger 1 -kafka-buffer-memory 33554432 -eps 0 -output-eventhubs false -output-kafka true -output-stdout false
- Define a new sourcetype in Splunk (props.conf)
TIME_FORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N
- Create a new Sink connector:
modify the HEC target if Splunk is not running in Docker
modify the HEC token accordingly
run the curl command on a new terminal
curl localhost:18082/connectors -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "sink-splunk-demo2",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.splunk.kafka.connect.SplunkSinkConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"splunk.indexes": "kafka_demo",
"splunk.sourcetypes": "kafka:gen",
"splunk.sources": "kafka:west:emea:demo2",
"splunk.hec.uri": "https://splunk:8088",
"splunk.hec.token": "1f2e3966-14ad-11eb-9bfa-acde48001122",
"splunk.hec.raw": "true",
"splunk.hec.raw.line.breaker" : "####",
"splunk.hec.ssl.validate.certs": "false"
This time the data is ingested using thw raw enedpoint, the events breaking relies on a delimitor created by the Splunk sink connector plugin and the sourcetype definition.
Splunk search example:
index=kafka_demo sourcetype=kafka:gen source=kafka:west:emea:demo2
| eval latency_time_to_indextime=(_indextime-_time)
| eval timestamp_epoch=strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
| eval latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp=_indextime-timestamp_epoch
| timechart span=1m count as eventcount, avg(latency_time_to_indextime) as latency_time_to_indextime, avg(latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp) as latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp
In advanced setups, we could use the Kafka headers (that would need to be generated by the producer of the messages) to recycle the Kafka header informaton automatically in Splunk to route traffic to the index target, or sourcetype, host etc.
Kafka headers can only be used with the event endpoint.
kafka header example:
Key (1 bytes): 2
Value (408 bytes): {"timestamp":"2020-10-16 06:34:39.411", "region": "emea", "company":"acme", "eventKey":"2", "uuid":"2469a3db-359c-479b-bc6c-ac6115250585", "message":"miqrqrdsrcsxcknoskdczjgynfqkihshezckjrhhytrejsjqeqepuwzdbgribpbilswoixylwempjffqpoqdgjmwlrfojtxarmjsnmtcpmwpkqcajyhlhmezxqbulqvgelmfhrkowonptfyusyeugwhcbbqvjjbvkbllnhvqguknwzveawqqcvhahudxplspngtubnykwsyhurjbqmxipmzqrwwobfhuygpjsurcuwuemkuoyuoahtyeoiknmmec"}
Headers: header_index=kafka_demo_acme,header_host=kafka.west,header_source=kafka:west:amer,header_sourcetype=kafka:gen,company=acme,region=emea
Partition: 0 Offset: 9
- Generate a few messages in a new topic named "kafka_demo_headers" to verify the headers
cd kafka-docker-splunk/template_docker_splunk_<replace with your context>
docker compose exec kafka-data-gen /bin/bash
java -jar /app/kafka-data-gen.jar -message-count 5 -message-size 256 -topic kafka_demo_headers -bootstrap.servers "kafka-1:19092,kafka-2:29092,kafka-3:39092" -acks all -kafka-retries 0 -kafka-batch-size 60000 -kafka-linger 1 -kafka-buffer-memory 33554432 -eps 0 -output-eventhubs false -output-kafka true -output-stdout false -generate-kafka-headers true -header-gen-profile 0
A powerful way to vizualise these headers is to use kafkacat, example (from in within docker)
docker run --network=host --tty --interactive --rm \
edenhill/kafkacat:1.6.0 \
kafkacat -b kafka-1:19092 \
-C \
-f '\nKey (%K bytes): %k\t\nValue (%S bytes): %s\nHeaders: %h\n\Partition: %p\tOffset: %o\n--\n' \
-t kafka_demo_headers
Create a new HEC token, do no specifiy any sourcetype / source and select the default index to be main
Create a new index named kafka_demo_acme and add this index to the list of allowed indexed in the token definition
Create a new Sink connector:
modify the HEC target if Splunk is not running in Docker
modify the HEC token accordingly
run the curl command on a new terminal
curl localhost:18082/connectors -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "sink-splunk-demo3",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.splunk.kafka.connect.SplunkSinkConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"splunk.hec.uri": "https://splunk:8088",
"splunk.hec.token": "1f2e3966-14ad-11eb-9bfa-acde48001122",
"splunk.hec.raw": "false",
"splunk.header.support": "true",
"splunk.header.custom": "company,region",
"splunk.header.index": "header_index",
"splunk.header.source": "header_source",
"splunk.header.sourcetype": "header_sourcetype",
"splunk.header.host": "header_host",
"splunk.hec.ssl.validate.certs": "false"
- Generate 1 million of messages in a topic: "kafka_demo_headers"
cd kafka-docker-splunk/template_docker_splunk_<replace with your context>
docker compose exec kafka-data-gen /bin/bash
java -jar /app/kafka-data-gen.jar -message-count 1000000 -message-size 256 -topic kafka_demo_headers -bootstrap.servers "kafka-1:19092,kafka-2:29092,kafka-3:39092" -acks all -kafka-retries 0 -kafka-batch-size 60000 -kafka-linger 1 -kafka-buffer-memory 33554432 -eps 0 -output-eventhubs false -output-kafka true -output-stdout false -generate-kafka-headers true -header-gen-profile 0
Definition of Splunk Metadata in addition with the creation of two indexed fields (company and region) are handled automatically by the Sink connector relying on the Kafka headers.
Splunk search example:
index=kafka_demo_acme sourcetype=kafka:gen
| eval latency_time_to_indextime=(_indextime-_time)
| eval timestamp_epoch=strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
| eval latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp=_indextime-timestamp_epoch
| timechart span=1m count as eventcount, avg(latency_time_to_indextime) as latency_time_to_indextime, avg(latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp) as latency_indextime_to_raw_timestamp
Getting the list of plugins available in Kafka Connect:
curl localhost:18082/connector-plugins
Getting the list of sink connectors configured:
curl localhost:18082/connectors
List config for each:
curl localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo1
curl localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo2
curl localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo3
Getting tasks:
curl localhost:18082/connectors/tasks
Pause a connector:
curl -X PUT localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo1/pause
Resume a connector:
curl -X PUT localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo1/resume
Delete connectors:
curl -X DELETE localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo1
curl -X DELETE localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo2
curl -X DELETE localhost:18082/connectors/sink-splunk-demo3