- Download data and convert to .tfrecord files for TensorFlow (./generate_tfrecords.sh)
- Train models (main.py)
- Evaluate models (main_eval.py)
- Analyze results (analysis.py)
We used CUDA 10.1.105, CuDNN, Python 3.7.4, TensorFlow-GPU 2.2.0, and PyTorch 1.9.0. We installed the following packages via pip:
pip install --user --upgrade numpy cython
pip install --user --upgrade tensorflow-gpu pillow lxml jupyter matplotlib \
pandas scikit-learn scipy tensorboard tqdm pyyaml grpcio absl-py \
tensorflow-addons torch torchvision easydict torchinfo pickle5
Note: the final few packages (e.g. PyTorch) are for the CAN baseline.
If you want to verify that everything is installed correctly, you can run the
script that calls generate_tfrecords.sh followed by a number of
short experiments (~30 minutes total).
Train a CALDA-XS,H model on person 1 and 2 of the UCI HAR dataset and adapt to person 3.
python3 main.py \
--logdir=example-logs --modeldir=example-models \
--method=calda_xs_h --dataset=ucihar --sources=1,2 \
--target=3 --uid=0 --debugnum=0 --gpumem=0
Monitor training progress:
tensorboard --logdir example-logs
Then evaluate that model on the holdout test data, outputting the results to a YAML file.
mkdir -p results
python3 main_eval.py \
--logdir=example-logs --modeldir=example-models \
--jobs=1 --gpus=1 --gpumem=0 \
--match="ucihar-0-calda_xs_h-[0-9]*" --selection="best_target" \
Specifically, look at accuracy_task/target/validation in the YAML result file for the target domain test set accuracy.
If you want to run all of the experiments, you can generate the SLURM training scripts:
./experiments_msda.py --name experiments
Then, run the kamiak_{train,eval}_experiments.srun on your SLURM cluster after installing TensorFlow, etc. (some modification to these scripts may be required to make this work on your cluster).
If you want to re-run hyperparameter tuning, you can generate the tuning scripts as well, though the results of tuning are already included in hyperparameters.py.
./experiments_msda.py --tune --name=tune
Note before using the SLURM scripts, you will need to update kamiak_config.sh
to the correct paths and kamiak_tensorflow_gpu.sh
to load the appropriate packages.
The No Adaptation and CoDATS baselines are included in this repository. However, the CAN baseline is a fork of the code from their original paper. To run the CAN baseline on the time series datasets:
- Download repositories
- Clone this repo to
- Clone the CAN baseline repository
- Note: the SLURM scripts require these two directory names and them both having the same parent directory.
- Clone this repo to
- Create pickle files for the datasets (./generate_tfrecords_as_images.sh)
- Run individual train/test as explained in the CAN baseline repository instructions.
Alternatively, for full hyperparameter tuning (following same procedure as for CALDA described earlier), after optionally updating the hyperparameter set in hyperparameter_tuning_experiments_can.py
. Note that the hyperparameters we found to be the best are already included in hyperparameters.py
./experiments_msda.py --can --tune --name can_tune
For the full set of experiments, after hyperparameter tuning and analysis:
./experiments_msda.py --can --name can_tuned
This will generate the SLURM train/eval scripts for all of the CAN baseline experiments.
Then look at the resulting results/results_*.yaml files or analyze with analysis.py.
In the paper we propose CALDA which has a variety of different variations that can be chosen with the --method=... flag. The options are (e.g., corresponding to the names CALDA-XS,R, CALDA-In,R, etc. in the paper):
- none
- upper
- codats
- calda_xs_r
- calda_in_r
- calda_any_r
- calda_xs_h
- calda_in_h
- calda_any_h
- calda_xs_r_p
- calda_in_r_p
- calda_any_r_p
- calda_xs_h_p
- calda_in_h_p
- calda_any_h_p
- codats_ws
- calda_xs_h_ws
- calda_any_r_ws
- codats_dg
- sleep_dg
- aflac_dg
- caldg_xs_h
- caldg_any_r
- calda_xs_h_noadv
- calda_any_r_noadv
The code for these methods is found in methods.py:MethodCaldaBase. The function for computing the contrastive loss is _similarity_loss() within this class.