Service for search and get files inside a multiples .tar.gz files, but without extract entire tar.gz file and with cache(of indexed files and extracted files) for fast access.
For now we use the cargo to run and use the application(soon there will be a daemon):
Start the server tcp and mounted interface:
mkdir /mnt/mytars
mkdir /var/db/blitze
cargo run /path/to/my/tar/files /mnt/mytars
The service provide two ways to use the files:
Search and download the indexed files inside of yours tar.gz files over a tpc connection.
The protocol basically have two only commands: /search and /download
cargo run /path/to/my/tar/files /mnt/mytars
Search the files (/search/FILE NAME HERE):
nc localhost 3355 <<< "/search/my photo.png"
The return will be printed in the stdout.
Download a file (/download/you compressed file.tar.gz:PATH/TO/FILE.png):
nc localhost 3355 <<< "/download/photos2018.tar.gz:path/to/my photo.png" > my photo.png
The return of /download command is the binary content of file and we redirect him to a local file.
For start only the TCP server:
cargo run /path/to/my/tar/files /mnt/mytars --only-tcp
For more interactivity you can use a mounted file system, on /mnt/mytars folder, to consume yours indexed files using a File Manager(like the Dolphin) for access yours files or just use the ls, cp...
For start only the fuse:
cargo run /path/to/my/tar/files /mnt/mytars --only-fuse
To unmount your "tars" file system:
fusermount -u /tmp/mytars