TactoSonix is a ludic multitouch DJing application based on nonconventional user interface metaphors.
To build it, you need to install it as an OpenFrameworks v0.9.3 app, using branch 0.9.3 of https://github.com/funkmeisterb/openFrameworks.git. The following add-ons are required: ofxOsc, ofxGui, ofxTactoSonixTools, ofxTextSuite, ofxParticleEmitter, ofxXmlSettings, ofxOpenCv.
Built for Windows 10, OSX 10.6.8, Linux Ubuntu 12.10.
How to create with command line project generator: commandLine -o"../../../../" -a"ofxOsc, ofxGui, ofxTactoSonixTools, ofxTextSuite, ofxParticleEmitter, ofxXmlSettings, ofxOpenCv" ../../../../apps/FKMB/tactosonix