vis.js is a visualizer for music files written in Javascript. Technologies utilized are three.js and jQuery. This project is inspired by the Monstercat visualizer.
✔️ Google Chrome
✔️ Microsoft Edge (minor issues but nothing huge)
at 2048, resulting in odd/glitchy spectrum behavior)
❌ Microsoft Internet Explorer (no support for the AudioNode API)
First and foremost, verify that you're using a supported browser as per the above section.
Spectrum is jittery/choppy
If the spectrum is jittery even though the framerate isn't dropping, you may need to reconfigure your system's audio settings. vis.js functions best at a sample rate of 44.1kHz. Higher rates may affect the visual quality of the spectrum.
"Could not get audio context! (Are you using IE?)"
The audio node could not be initialized because it is not supported by your browser. This is seen most commonly in Internet Explorer, which does not support the Audio API.
"Could not set optimal fftSize! This may look a bit weird..."
The audio node was not initialized properly. This might be resolved by using a different browser, although it may be a restriction caused by your system.
404 in console on local install when loading audio
vis.js needs a reverse proxy to be configured on the webserver in order to function due to Javascript restrictions. More specifically,
should point to
See the visualizer in action here.
Based on schisma/vis.