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This repo captures a working example of how to deploy an EKS/Eagle cluster with the two modules separated. Starting with version 12 of the terraform-aws-stack-eks stack,the EKS module implementation is now local to downstream program repos. In addition, another terraform file is requried to call the stack which deploys Eagle.

This repo contains code to store Terraform state remotely using S3 and DynamoDB. If not already in place, change directory to terraform/remote-state and excute the following. If necesary, modify the values in main.tf to made the AWS resource names unique.

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Afterwards, change the values to properly reflect the locatinon of state and to make the cluster name(s) and resource unique. To deploy the cluster, change directory to terraform/module18 and execute:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Migrating Across v10, v11 to v12 of the Eagle Stack

When moving to v12 of the terraform-aws-stack-eks stack there are two options - creating or rebuilding a new EKS cluster with Eagle or migrating an existing cluster. For the former, the task is simply to follow the instructions below. Migration for clusters built using the stack v9.0.2 or older is a much more complicated scenario. It requires manipulation of terrafrom state, and removal of old AWS resources after migration. For migration, the first step is to move your cluster to v10 or v11 of the stack. Instructions for doing this are detailed on the migration18 example in the stack examples. Once converted to v11 of the stack, the process is to change your EKS module to only deploy EKS and add a new terraform Eagle module to call the stack.

Terraform State

Before applying the new cluster design in a migration scenario, terraform state moves are required to reflect new locations. For eample, with an EKS module called eks and an Eagle module called eagle.

EKS module.eks.aws_eks_cluser.this[0] will now be module.eks[0].aws_eks_cluster.this[0]

EAGLE module.cluster_foundation[0].helm_release.argocd will now be module.eagle.module.cluster_foundation[0].helm_release.argocd

Names will be determined on the name of the modules utilized and should be standardized to use eks nad eagle. An exhausted list will be proveded elsewhere.

EKS Module

The EKS module now only requires variables unique to EKS and calls the AWS EKS Terraform module directly. The implemention here is based upon verion 18.31.2 of the AWS EKS Terraform module.

One of the new features, the main reason why EKS was removed from the stack, was so a count can be placed on the EKS module. 4i (IDDOC) has 40 plus developer environments (workspaces). An EKS cluster is not needed in all those workspaces except for the main dev workspace. With the old design it was not possible to control this because the providers are not in the repo. So, in the new module there is a count:

count   = local.run ? 1 : 0

This value is static here but in 4i there are conditions to check the workspace. The providers in a local versions.tf now have conditionals around them to only run if the local.run is set to true and not do anything otherwise.

For example

provider "k8s" {
  load_config_file       = "false"
  host                   = local.run ? module.eks[0].cluster_endpoint : "https://not_used.local"
  token                  = local.run ? data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster[0].token : "not_used"
  cluster_ca_certificate = local.run ? base64decode(data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster[0].certificate_authority[0].data) : base64decode(local.fake_cert)

// kubernetes and helm providers excluded for brevity.

For this to work, a fake non-valid cert fake_cert is defined for when the condition is false.

Note: versions.tf has been removed from the stack and needs to be included in downstream program repo. In addition, data values aws_eks_cluster and aws_eks_cluster_auth for the cluster have also been removed from the stack and alo need to be placed in the downstream program repo. The should also be wrapped the same count as used in the EKS module.

Variable Type Description Example
cluster_name string The name of the EKS cluster. "4i-init"
cluster_version string The major version of Kubernetes. "1.24"
vpc_id string The id of the VPC. "vpc-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" or module.vpc.vpc_id
subnet_ids list(string) List of private subnet ids. ["subnet-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","subnet-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"] or module.vpc.private_subnets
cluster_endpoint_public_access bool Enable public access to the k8s api-server endpoint. true
enable_irsa bool Enable the IODC identity provider. true
manage_aws_auth_configmap bool Allows the EKS module to manage the aws_auth ConfigMap. false
create_aws_auth_configmap bool Allows the EKS module to create the aws_auth ConfigMap. true
create_iam_role bool Creates an IAM role for the cluster. true
iam_role_path string Path in the IAM role of the cluster and worker nodes. "/delagatedadmin/developer/"
iam_role_permissions_boundary strings Define the maxinum allowable permissions delegatd to users & groups. ""
node_security_group_additional_rules any Defines a security group that permits node to node communication, all egress from nodes, cluster API to all ports and protocols on nodes. SEE BELOW
cluster_encryption_config list(map) Sets the KMS key for cluster encryption. SEE BELOW
self_managed_node_groups any List of self managed work node groups. SEE BELOW

Eagle Module

In v11 and lower of the terraform-aws-stack stack, the child EKS module included properties that were consumed by the cluster-foundation module. Now these properties need to be extracted and placeed in a new child module that calls the stack. Also, there are EKS module outputs that will need to pass to the parent module since they are referenced by Eagle.

ArgoCD Vars

Variable Type Description Example
domain string The name of the domain for the hosted zone. "iactesting.softrams.cloud"
hosted_zone_id string The ID of the hosted zone. "ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
argocd_host string The host of the ArgoCD Server. "argocd.${var.domain}"
argocd_image string The image of the ArgoCD server to use. "softrams/argocd:v2.6.3"
target_revision bool The version of the ArgoCD helm chart to use. "v6.8.0"
tag_subnets bool Enable the tagging of subnets for auto-scaling and load balancing. true if pre-existing, false if tagged in the VPC module.
cluster_scaler_enabled bool Deploy the cluster-autoscaler Helm chart using ArgoCD. true
istio_enabled bool Deploy the istio Helm chart using ArgoCD. false
kiali_enabled bool Deploy the kiali Helm chart using ArgoCD. false
dashboard_enabled bool Deploy the kubernetes-dashboard Helm chart using ArgoCD. false
aws_lb_controller_enabled bool Deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller Helm chart using ArgoCD. true
calico_enabled bool Deploy the calico Helm chart using ArgoCD. true
eagle_config map(string) Configure database and network share parameters for ArgoCD. enabled = true
github_token string The git hub token to use to allow ArgoCD to authenicated to GitHhub. jsondecode(module.github_token.secret_map).argocd_github_token for a secret named argocd_github_token
cluster_foundation_additional_values string Values that override ArgoCD configuration defaults mostly involving domain values. See code examples
ext_dns_role list(any) Credentials for argo to access repos. See code examples.
argocd_repository_credentials map(any) Map of values for external dns role.. See code examples.
cert_manager_role map(any) Map of values for cert manager role. See code examples.
aws_lb_controller_role map(any) Map of values for aws lb controller role. See code examples.
cluster_autoscaler_role map(any) Map of values for cluster autoscaler role. See code examples.

There may be additional roles required depending on what is enabled. Refer to terraform-aws-stack documentation all the available roles.

EKS Module Vars for Eagle

Variable Type Description Example
kms_key_id string KMS key id for encryption. With a KMS module, module.kms.id
path string iam_role_path passed as path. Path in the IAM role of the cluster and worker nodes.. "
permissions_boundary string iam_permissions_boundary passed as permissions_boundary. Define the maxinum allowable permissions delegatd to users & groups. "/delagatedadmin/developer/"
cluster_name string The name of the EKS cluster. "4i-init"
manage_aws_auth_configmap bool Allows the Eagle module to manage the aws_auth ConfigMap. true
cluster_oidc_issuer_url string The OIDC issuer URL of the cluster. module.eks[0].cluster_oidc_issuer_url
cluster_oidc_provider_arn bool The OIDC provider ARN of the cluster. module.eks[0].oidc_provider_arn
eks_cluster_id string The id of the EKS cluster. true
eks_cluster_endpoint string The endpoint of the EKS cluster API server. module.eks[0].cluster_endpoint
cert_auth_data string The EKS cluster authentication certificate. data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster[0].certificate_authority[0].data
cluster_server string The cluster server endpoint. data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster[0].endpoint
cluster_server_token string The cluster server endpoint. a.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster[0].token
eks_managed_node_groups map(any) Map of map of self managed node groups to create. module.eks[0].eks_managed_node_groups
self_managed_node_groups map(any) Map of maps of eks managed node groups to create. module.eks[0].self_managed_node_groups
fargate_profiles string A map of maps of fargate profiles to create. module.eks[0].fargate_profiles

Roles and Paths

Version 18 of the AWS EKS Terraform module no longer supports the stripping of paths in the bootstrapper roles needed by the aws_auth ConfigMap. If paths are not needed dedfined with iam_role_path = "", the worker nodes will attach to the cluster. However, if there is a requirement that roles have paths (such as CMS), the worker nodes will not attach to the cluster. The functionallity to do so in encapsulated in the terraform-aws-stack-eks stack. There are two scenarios:

No Paths

There in nothing to set.

With Paths

In the EKS module set

iam_role_path = "<some-path>"
create_aws_auth_configmap = true
manage_aws_auth_configmap = false

In the Eagle module set

manage_aws_auth_configmap = true

some-path must have leading and trailing /.

Security Group Rules

Version 11 and lower of the terraform-aws-stack-eks stack encapulated the creation of a securoty group rules that allowed node to node comunication between all worker nodes, all egress on worker nodes, and cluster API to worker node on all ports and protocols. The implementation allow users to send in additional security groups if needed. Now that the EKS module is defined in the down stream module, security groups rules need to be explicitly defined. Refer to the examples for the configuration.

Add additional security group rules here if they are needed.

Cluster Encryption Config

There is no change to this. Refer to the examples for the configuration.

Self Managed Node Groups

There is no change to self_managed_node_groups. If you add the following inside of worker_groups:

iam_role_additional_policies  = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore"]

It will allow one to connect to the worker nodes using Systems Manager without the need for a SSH key pair. Refer to the examples forthe congifuration.


A repo for capturing a driver eks module for Eagle.






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