Based on react native, we built up the first indoor/ outdoor navigation
app, developed for the HTW Wilhelminenhof campus in Berlin.
Are you new as a student at the campus or just a visitor? This app will
guide you! Android only
With the help of Indoor Atlas we mapped all levels, so indoor
positioning is accurate up to 2 meters.
A magnetic field and wifi-signals from every router on the different levels makes the indoor positioning as accurate as it can be. You will need access to an IndoorAtlas account.
Mapbox serves. Within Mapbox we created our unique maps and
adjust the styles, to the persons needs.
The map is interactive and allows you to zoom in / zoom out, change the perspective (angle). Rooms are
clickable and you can receive more information e.g. is this room occupied
or free to use (if an API for this information is available), the room type and the building. You are also able to add this room to your
favorites, to make a quick search. You will need access to a Mapbox account.
As a user you will get everything you need to feel welcome and find everything you need. All features are listed below.
We integrated a search which can find any room you want to navigate to. You are able to find the room of your next lecture, the office of any professor and also points of interests e.g. changing rooms, printers, snacks & coffee machine.
With a click on the navigation botton, it will take your actual position and navigate you to the place of choice, no matter if it's indoor or outdoor. Your position will be centered and the path will be displayed on the map on the same floor. You will also receive infromation about the estimated time and distance to travel. Depending on the settings of your choice, you will eighter take the lift or the stairs. A marker will show you where to get off and show you the way to your desired room.
We want to have all features combined in one app, so we decided to add one more feature to the app. You are now up to date with the menue in the HTW Wilhelminenhof Berlin cafeteria.
The integration of the students schedule is not yet implemented.
IndoorAtlas - Account required
Mapbox - Account required
MIT License
Jannes Brunner, Jonathan Derin, Georg Donner, Juliane Fink, Franz Wegner, Christian Westphal