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Atomic CSS in the style attribute. Type-safe static styles with theming, responsive variant support, and no bundler integration.


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Atomic CSS in the style attribute.

Type-safe static styles with theming, responsive variant support, and no bundler integration.

Why another CSS library?

CSS-in-JS solutions that rely on style injection won't be recommended by the React team going forward, and instead they suggest the following:

Our preferred solution is to use <link rel="stylesheet"> for statically extracted styles and plain inline styles for dynamic values. E.g. <div style={{...}}>

In other words—write CSS like we used to. But what about the benefits that CSS-in-JS gave us?

There are CSS-in-JS solutions that extract static rules from your template files into external .css files, however, these approaches often require bundler integration and come with build-time limitations.

The learning curve can be intimidating but developers invest regardless so they can have type errors and intellisense for their design system tokens as well as style deduping, critical path CSS, scoping, and composition.

Tailwind CSS adopts a different strategy to achieve these goals:

  • We can style inline to prototype quickly
  • Editor extensions for intellisense based on your theme
  • Statically generated styles with a simple CLI script, no bundler integration
  • Atomic CSS so styles have a cap on how large they can grow

On the flip side:

  • Removing values from your theme won't flag redundant references
  • We must memorise Tailwind's custom class names which spawns things like the Tailwind Cheatsheet
  • Specificity issues when composing unless we use third-party packages like tailwind-merge
  • Styling inline can be unpleasant to maintain, resulting in third-party packages like cva
  • Classes must exist as complete unbroken strings
  • Debugging in dev tools is tricky because styles are spread across atomic classes

Introducing Tokenami

Tokenami aims to improve some of these areas by using CSS variables instead of CSS properties in the style attribute, and bringing all necessary tools under one roof. It features:

  • Simple naming convention—use the CSS properties you already know, prefixed with double-dash
  • Smaller stylesheet made possible by atomic CSS variables
  • Config file for defining your theme
  • Feature-rich intellisense when authoring styles
  • Fully typed style attribute for ad-hoc styles, including media queries and pseudo-classes/selectors
  • A tiny css utility with variants, and responsive variants support
  • Seamless composition across component boundaries using the css utility
  • Runtime style support e.g. style={{ '--color': props.color }}
  • Aliasable properties e.g. style={{ '--p': 4 }} for padding
  • Custom selector support enabling sibling or descendant selectors
  • Improved debugging experience in dev tools
  • Statically generated styles
  • No bundler integration


This is a pre-alpha version of tokenami so there will be bugs and missing features. Please check the existing issues for planned features/known bugs before creating new ones.




Getting started

Tokenami offers a CLI tool for generating static styles, and a TypeScript plugin to enhance the developer experience. An optional CSS utility is also provided and recommended when composing across component boundaries.


Install and initialise using your package manager of choice. For example:

npm install @tokenami/dev @tokenami/ts-plugin -D
npx tokenami init

Configure TypeScript

Add Tokenami to include and plugins in your tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json.

  "include": [".tokenami/tokenami.env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [{ "name": "@tokenami/ts-plugin" }]

Make sure your editor is configured to use the project's version of TypeScript. You can find instructions for various editors in their documentation, such as for VSCode here.

Start the CLI watch script

Run the CLI tool to scan your template files for tokenami properties and build your CSS. This would usually exist as a script in your package.json.

npx tokenami --output ./public/styles.css --watch

Make sure to adjust the output path to your desired location for styles. It will use ./public/tokenami.css by default if omitted.

Use Tokenami

Reference your output CSS file in the <head> of your document and start styling inline with Tokenami properties:

<h1 style={{ '--margin-top': 0, '--margin-bottom': 5 }}>Hello, World!</h1>

Core concepts


Tokenami relies on your theme to provide design system constraints. Since there's no predefined theme, you need to add your own to the .tokenami/tokenami.config. For example:

module.exports = createConfig({
  // ...
  responsive: {
    medium: '@media (min-width: 700px)',
    large: '@media (min-width: 1024px)',
  theme: {
    color: {
      'slate-100': '#f1f5f9',
      'slate-700': '#334155',
      'sky-500': '#0ea5e9',
    radii: {
      rounded: '10px',
      circle: '9999px',
      none: 'none',

The keys in your responsive and theme objects can be anything you wish. These keys will be used to name your tokens (more on this later).


With your theme set up, there are only a few rules to remember:

  1. A Tokenami property is any CSS property prefixed with double dash, e.g. --font-size. Use --- (triple dash) to add custom CSS variables to an element.
  2. A Tokenami token is any theme key followed by a value identifier, separated by an underscore. For example, a color object in theme with a red-100 entry maps to var(--color_red-100).
  3. Properties can include selectors like media queries, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements separated with an underscore. For instance, --hover_background-color, --md_hover_background-color.

Grid values

Tokenami uses a grid value for spacing. Properties like padding and margin are multiples of this when passed a numeric value. For example, with a grid set to 4px, using --padding: 2 adds 8px of padding to your element.

By default, Tokenami sets the grid to 0.25rem but you can override it:

module.exports = createConfig({
  // ...
  grid: '10px',

Arbitrary values

You can avoid TypeScript errors for one-off inline values by using a triple dash fallback. For instance, --padding: var(---, 20px) prevents errors and sets padding to 20px.

Tokenami intentionally adds friction to the developer experience here. This is to encourage sticking to your theme guidelines and to help you quickly spot values in your code that don't.

Responsive styles

Define responsive rules in the responsive object in your config. This can include @container queries:

module.exports = createConfig({
  // ...
  responsive: {
    medium: '@media (min-width: 1024px)',
    'medium-self': '@container (min-width: 400px)',

Use by following the property spec:

<div style={{ '--medium_padding': 4 }} />

Responsive rules can also be combined with selectors:

<div style={{ '--medium_hover_padding': 4 }} />

For documentation on responsive variants, refer to the CSS utility section.


Add keyframes to your config and reference them in your theme:

module.exports = createConfig({
  // ...
  keyframes: {
    wiggle: {
      '0%, 100%': { transform: 'rotate(-3deg)' },
      '50%': { transform: 'rotate(3deg)' },
  theme: {
    anim: {
      wiggle: 'wiggle 1s ease-in-out infinite',

Use by following the token spec:

<div style={{ '--animation': 'var(--anim_wiggle)' }} />

CSS utility

Tokenami provides a CSS utility to abstract styles from your views and correctly merge styles across component boundaries. It also provides a variants API.


Install using your package manager of choice. For example:

npm install @tokenami/css


Import and use the utility directly:

import { css } from '@tokenami/css';

function Button({ size, style, ...props }) {
  return <button {...props} style={button({ size }, style)} />;

const button = css(
  { '---padding': 4 },
    size: {
      small: { '--padding': 2 },
      large: { '--padding': 6 },
  { responsive: true }

The first parameter passed to the css utility represents your base styles, the second is for optional variants, and the third enables responsive variants.

Responsive variants allow you to prefix the variant name with a responsive key from your configuration. For example, the following button will apply the large size variant at the medium breakpoint:

function Button() {
  return <button style={button({ medium_size: 'large' })} />;

Adding responsive: true will generate the atomic CSS for the responsive variants regardless of whether they're used so this is purposefully opt-in to allow greater control.


The function returned by the css utility accepts your chosen variants as the first parameter, and then any number of overrides as additional parameters. Overrides can be applied conditionally and last override wins.

function Button(props) {
  const { size, style, ...buttonProps } = props;
  const disabled = props.disabled && { '--opacity': 0.5 };
  return <button {...buttonProps} style={button({ size }, disabled, style)} />;

Overrides can also be used for compounding variants:

function Button(props) {
  const { variant = 'primary', outline = true, style, ...buttonProps } = props;
  const isPrimary = variant === 'primary';
  const primaryOutlined = isPrimary && outline && { '--background-color': 'transparent' };

  return <button {...buttonProps} style={button({ size, outline }, primaryOutlined, style)} />;


Use the Variants type to extend your component prop types:

import { type Variants, css } from '@tokenami/css';

type ButtonElementProps = React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>;
interface ButtonProps extends ButtonElementProps, Variants<typeof button> {}

function Button(props: ButtonProps) {
  const { size = 'small', style, ...buttonProps } = props;
  return <button {...buttonProps} style={button({ size }, style)} />;

const button = css(
  { '---padding': 4 },
    size: {
      small: { '--padding': 2 },
      large: { '--padding': 6 },



Tokenami provides some common default selectors for you but you can define your own custom selectors in the selectors object of your config.

Use the ampersand (&) to specify where the current element's selector should be injected:

const { createConfig, defaultConfig } = require('@tokenami/dev');

module.exports = createConfig({
  // ...
  selectors: {
    'parent-hover': '.parent:hover > &',

Use by following the property spec:

<div className="parent">
  <img src="..." alt="" />
  <button style={{ '--parent-hover_font-weight': 'bold' }} />

Selectors can also be combined with responsive rules:

<button style={{ '--medium_parent-hover_font-weight': 'bold' }} />

Nested selectors

Use an array value for custom selectors to generate nested rules:

module.exports = createConfig({
  // ...
  selectors: {
    hover: ['@media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine)', '&:hover'],

This example will apply hover styles for users with a precise pointing device, such as a mouse, when --hover_{property} is used.


Aliases allow you to create shorthand names for properties or other aliases. When using custom aliases, the css utility is recommended. It ensures properties are merged correctly across component boundaries.

Configure utility

In your .tokenami/tokenami.config file, change the @tokenami/dev import to @tokenami/css:

- const { createConfig } = require('@tokenami/dev');
+ const { createConfig } = require('@tokenami/css');

Then create a file in your project to configure the utility. You can name this file however you like, e.g. css.ts:

// css.ts
import { createCss } from '@tokenami/css';
import config from '../.tokenami/tokenami.config';

export const css = createCss(config);

Now you can import the utility from the file you created and it will handle aliases correctly.

Create aliases

The configuration expects the name of your new alias followed by an array of properties or aliases that it should replace when passed as an override to the css utility.

module.exports = createConfig({
  // ...
  aliases: {
    p: ['pt', 'pr', 'pb', 'pl', 'px', 'py', 'padding'],
    px: ['pl', 'pr', 'padding-left', 'padding-right'],
    py: ['pt', 'pb', 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom'],
    pt: ['padding-top'],
    pr: ['padding-right'],
    pb: ['padding-bottom'],
    pl: ['padding-left'],

With the above config, p is shorthand for pt, pr, pb, pl, px, py, and padding. This allows the css utility to remove those properties when --p is passed as an override:

const button = css({ '--pr': 4 });

function Button(props) {
  return <button style={button(null, props.style)} />;

function App() {
  return <Button style={{ '--p': 10 }} />;

In this example, Button will have 10 padding on all sides because we configured --p to take precendence over --pr when passed as an override. Without this config, the button would have 4 padding on the right because longhand properties have higher specificity in the atomic stylesheet.

Mapping properties to theme

Tokenami provides sensible defaults to restrict which values can be passed to properties based on your theme. For instance, --border-color will only accept tokens from your color object in theme, --padding allows multiples of your grid, and --height expects tokens from a size key or multiples of your grid.

You can customise the default configuration by overriding the properties object in your configuration:

const { createConfig, defaultConfig } = require('@tokenami/dev');

module.exports = createConfig({
  theme: {
    container: {
      half: '50%',
    pet: {
      cat: '"🐱"',
      dog: '"🐶"',
  properties: {
    width: ['grid', 'container'],
    height: ['grid', 'container'],
    content: ['pet'],

With this configuration, using '--content': 'var(--container_half)' would error because container does not exist in the property config for content, but '--content': 'var(--pet_dog)' would be allowed:

    '--width': 75 /*  300px with a 4px grid */,
    '--height': 'var(--container_half)',
    '--after_content': 'var(--pet_cat)',


Tokenami only supports browserslist in your package.json. You can use it to add autoprefixing to your CSS properties in the generated CSS file. However, it currently doesn't support vendor-prefixed values, which is being tracked in this issue.

Continuous Integration

To improve performance during development, Tokenami widens its types and uses the TypeScript plugin for completions. Using tsc in the command line defaults to these widened types so it will not highlight errors for your properties or tokens. To get accurate types for CI, do the following:

Create a CI project config

Create a file named tsconfig.ci.json or jsconfig.ci.json. It should extend your original config and include the CI-specific Tokenami types:

  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "include": [".tokenami/tokenami.env.ci.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"]

Reference CI project config

For CI, use tsc with your new configuration:

tsc --noEmit --project tsconfig.ci.json


Before raising a bug, please double-check that it isn't already in my todo list. Some common pitfalls are listed below. If you need additional support or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to join the Tokenami discord server.

HMR not working as expected in Remix

When adding the stylesheet to the links export, make sure to import it instead of referencing a path in the href property:

import styles from '~/tokenami.css';

export const links: LinksFunction = () => [{ rel: 'stylesheet', href: styles }];

If your stylesheet is outside the remix app directory, update remix.config.js to include it in watchPaths and update the import path appropriately.

Efficiency of Tokenami's attribute substring selectors

Attribute substring selectors are known for being less efficient than other simpler selectors, however, they are unlikely to significantly impact performance in most cases. Despite being relatively less efficient, modern browsers handle these selectors well enough that the performance impact would be minimal for typical applications.

Comparatively, historical CSS-in-JS solutions involved style injection techniques which could significantly hinder performance. In this context, attribute substring selectors will offer a considerable improvement.


A big thanks to:

  • Tailwind CSS for inspiring most of the features in Tokenami
  • Stitches for variants and responsive variants inspiration
  • CSS Hooks for custom selectors inspiration

Please do take the time to check these libraries out if you feel Tokenami isn't quite right for you.


Atomic CSS in the style attribute. Type-safe static styles with theming, responsive variant support, and no bundler integration.







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  • TypeScript 98.7%
  • JavaScript 1.3%