To create your own SimProject make sure of:
- Install the FS2020 SDK (we assume you have it installed in "C:\MSFS SDK")
- Your project must be a 64 bit assembly
- You must have a post build event which copies the DLL and config:
xcopy "C:\MSFS SDK\SimConnect SDK\lib\SimConnect.dll" "$(TargetDir)" /y
xcopy "C:\MSFS SDK\Samples\SimvarWatcher\SimConnect.cfg" "$(TargetDir)" /y
A couple of tricks:
- An hidden windows is created by the MessagePumpWindow to get the messages
- A "standard" WIN32 message loop is handled by MessagePumpWindow and called by the main function after starting the .net core web application in a separated thread Without those two points, Simconnect will not work.