To install, run the following command:
npm install --save-dev ali-oss-upload-cli
Configure your environment variables as follows:
Important: Ensure the .env file is added to your .gitignore to protect your credentials.
To upload the dist directory to the remote /static directory, use:
oss-upload dist -o /static
To upload to the bucket's root directory:
oss-upload dist -o /
To filter files using glob patterns (e.g., only .js files):
oss-upload dist -o /static --filter=**/*.js
For CI environments, you can specify all parameters directly in the command line for convenience:
oss-upload dist -o /static --region=oss-cn-hangzhou --bucket=lesscap --key=xxx --secret=xxx
To specify a different .env file:
oss-upload dist -o /static --envfile=.env.test
To view all available commands and options, run:
oss-upload -h