Term Paper on MagLev v1.0.0
This is the first official release of our Term Paper on the MagLev simulation, developed as part of the "Fundamentals of Automatic Controls" (IF15) course for the A.Y. 2023-2024.
Contents of the submission
- 2066699_2032597_2066590.mlx - here you'll find our MATLAB solution regarding all the five assignments
- 2066699_2032597_2066590.pdf (Italian version) or 2066699_2032597_2066590-en.pdf (English version) - this is the report about our solutions and how we found them, link to the overleaf project
- load_parameters.m and magnet_levitation_ode.m are needed to make the solutions work
- Azhar Moeez | 2066699
- Bellinato Tommaso | 2032597
- Lazzarini Matteo | 2066590