MIPS simulator in C#
- Parser combinator using FParsec
- Basic instruction set including integer arithmetic, branch, jump
- Stack support
- supported system calls: 1, 4, 5, 10
- supported directives:
- .ascii
- .asciiz
- .text
- .data
- .word
- supported instructions:
- add
- addi
- sub
- mul
- div
- b
- beq
- bne
- blt
- ble
- bgt
- bge
- beqz
- bneq
- blez
- bgez
- sll
- srl
- j
- jr
- jal
- lw
- sw
- move
- li
- la
- static memory support
- semantic analysis
- pretty printer
- floating point support
- I included a factorial MIPS example so demonstrate the recursion support thanks to stack