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Byter: C# library for serializing and deserializing data to and from bytes, supporting unlimited complexity and depth.⚡


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Byte parse. Convert byte to object and object to byte



using Byter


byte, bool, byte[], short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, char, string, Vector2
  • Writer

    using Byter;
    using System.Text;
    // Create instance
    var w = new Writer();                          // Create default instance
    _     = new Writer(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }); // Create instance with default data
    _     = new Writer(new Writer());              // Create instance and copy from existing Writer
    // Write data
    w.Write((char) 'A');                           // Write char
    w.Write((int) 1024);                           // Write int 
    w.Write((string) "Byter");                     // Write string
    w.Write((string) "Byter", Encoding.ASCII);     // Write string
    w.Write((byte[]) new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 });   // Write bytes
    // Output
    byte[]      bytes = w.GetBytes();              // Get writes in Byte[]
    List<byte>  list  = w.GetList();               // Get writes in List<byte>
    // Other
    int length = w.Length;                         // Returns the length of bytes written
    w.Dispose();                                   // Destroy the Writer object
    // Console output
    Console.WriteLine($"Write length: {length}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Write bytes[] length: {bytes.Length}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Write List<byte> length: {list.Count}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Clear writer...");
    Console.WriteLine($"Write length: {w.Length}");
  • Reader

    using Byter;
    using System.Text;
    // Create sample input
    var w = new Writer();
    // Write sample datas
    w.Write((int) 1024);
    w.Write((byte) 255);
    w.Write((string) "Byter");
    w.Write((byte[]) new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }); 
    // Create instance      
    var r = new Reader(ref w);                     // Create instance and copy buffer from existing Writer
    _     = new Reader(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }); // Create instance with bytes (byte[])
    // Read data
    int     _int      = r.Read<int>();             // Output: 1024
    byte    _byte     = r.Read<byte>();            // Output: 255
    string  _string   = r.Read<string>();          // Output: "Byter"
    byte[]  _bytes    = r.Read<byte[]>();          // Output: [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
    // Output
    bool success    = r.Success;                   // Returns success if there was no error retrieving the data
    // Other
    int position  = r.Position;                    // Return the read pointer position 
    int length    = r.Length;                      // Returns the length of buffer
    r.Seek(position);                              // Moves the read pointer to any existing index
    r.Dispose();                                   // Destroy the Reader object
    // Console output
    Console.WriteLine($"Int       -> {_int}     ");
    Console.WriteLine($"Byte      -> {_byte}    ");
    Console.WriteLine($"String    -> {_string}  ");
    Console.WriteLine($"Byte[]    -> {_bytes}   ");
    Console.WriteLine($"Success   -> {success}  ");
    Console.WriteLine($"Position  -> {position} ");
    Console.WriteLine($"Length    -> {length}   ");
  • Warning

    Internally, before data is written a prefix is added in front of it, so when reading it always compares the prefix of the (data type) you want to read with the strings in the read buffer. if the prefixes do not match then o (Reader. Success = False), eg. If you write an (int) and try to read a float (Reader.Success = False) because the prefix of an (int) is different from that of a (float), it is recommended to read all the data and at the end check the success, if it is (Reader.Success = False) then one or more data is corrupt. This means that Writer and Reader add dipping to your write and read data.


using Byter;

// writing
Writer writer = new();

writer.Write(1000); // index
writer.Write("{JSON}"); // content
writer.Write(new byte[]{ 1, 1, 1, 1 }); // image

// geting buffer
byte[] buffer = writer.GetBytes();
writer.Dispose(); // Destroy Writer

// reading
Reader reader = new(buffer);

int index = reader.Read<int>();
string json = reader.Read<string>();
byte[] image = reader.Read<byte[]>();

// Check error
if (!reader.Success) // IS FALSE
    Console.WriteLine("*** ERROR ****");

// Check success
Console.WriteLine("*** SUCCESS ****");      

// Output
Console.WriteLine($"Index: {index}");           // output: 1000
Console.WriteLine($"JSON : {json }");           // output: JSON
Console.WriteLine($"Image: {image.Length}");    // output: 4
Console.WriteLine($"Status: {reader.Success}"); // output: True

// Making error
float delay = reader.Read<float>();
if you reverse the reading order or try to read more data than added (Reader.Succes = False),
Remembering does not return exception when trying to read data that does not exist it just
returns the default construction, and (Reader.Success) will be assigned (False)             */

if (reader.Success)  // IS FALSE, THE IS NOT WRITED IN BUFFER
    Console.WriteLine($"Delay: {delay}");
else                // IS TRUE, THE DELAY NOT EXIST
    Console.WriteLine($"Delay not exist");

// Output of status
Console.WriteLine($"Status: {reader.Success}"); // output: False

reader.Dispose(); // Destroy Reader


  • Nuget SEE HERE

    .NET CLI
    dotnet add package Byter --version 1.2.0
  • Submodule

    # Install - recommend a stable branch e.g. "1.x" or use a fork repository
    git submodule add --name byter --branch main https://github.com/alec1o/byter vendor/byter
    # Rebuilding - Download repository and link it in file location, must add this step in dotnet.yaml if using
    git submodule update --init
    # Update submodule - Update and load new repository updates
    git submodule update --remote
    # PATH
    # |__ vendor
    # |   |__ byter
    # |      |__ src
    # |        |__ Byter.csproj
    # |
    # |__ app
    # |   |__ app.csproj
    # |
    # |__ app.sln
    # |__ .git
    # |__ .gitignore
    # |__ .gitmodules
    # .NET link on .sln
    cd <PATH>
    dotnet sln add vendor/byter/src/Byter.csproj
    # .NET link on .csproj
    cd app/
    dotnet add reference ../vendor/byter/src/Byter.csproj
    # Rebuild dependencies to be linked in the project
    dotnet restore