Fancycharts.js is a Javascript library to enhance a single percentag value with a fancy chart. Made on top of d3.js, it is designed to be a visual data component for texts.
Examples on
You can use fancycharts.js
or fancycharts.min.js
directly with a <script>
new Fancychart(width, height, colors, color_deactivated)
e.g. var chart = new Fancychart(200, 120, ["#00ACE4", "#00D8A5”], '#e5e5e5');
Vertical Bar Chart
chart.barVertical(selector, value, *color*, *rotate*);
color and rotate are optional. color must be an array of colors and set rotate to true if chart should be rotated.
Horizontal Bar Chart and Circles
chart.barHorizontal(selector, value, *color*);
chart.circles(selector, value, *color*);
Donut Chart
chart.donut(selector, value, *color*);
Implement Textures