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This repository contains related work, benchmarks and datasets for the paper "Large Language Models in Finance (FinLLMs)", currently under review.

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A Survey of Large Language Models in Finance (FinLLMs)


A curated list of resources of LLMs in Finance (FinLLMs) including their history, techniques, evaluation, and opportunities and challenges. It's based on our survey paper: A Survey of Large Language Models in Finance (FinLLMs). This survey will be actively updated including further evaluation of advanced Financial NLP tasks, a collection of financial datasets, and sharing FinLLM use-cases. Please stay tuned!🔥

Table of Contents

  • Evolution : from General LMs to Financial LMs
    • General-domain LMs
    • Financial-domain LMs
  • Techniques : from FinPLMs to FinLLMs
    • Continual Pre-training : FinBert-19
    • Domain-Specific Pre-training from Scratch : FinBERT-20
    • Mixed-Domain Pre-training : FinBERT-21, FLANG
    • Mixed-Domain LLM with Prompt Engineering : BloombergGPT
    • Instruction Fine-tuned LLM with Prompt Engineering : FinMA, InvestLM, FinGPT
  • Benchmark Tasks and datasets
    • Sentiment Analysis
    • Text Classification
    • Named Entity Recognition
    • Question Answering
    • Stock Movement Prediction
    • Text Summarization
  • Advanced Tasks and datasets
    • Relation Extraction
    • Event Detection
    • Causality Detection
    • Numerical Reasoning
    • Structure Recognition
    • Multimodal Understanding
    • Machine Translation
    • Market Forecasting
  • Other Useful Resources
  • Citation


Selected papers associated with the above figure.

General-domain LMs

  • GPT-1 : Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training. 2018. Paper
  • GPT-2 : Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners. 2019. Paper
  • GPT-3 : Language Models are Few-Shot Learners. NeurIPS 2020. Paper
  • GPT-4 : GPT-4 Technical Report. 2023. Paper
  • BERT : BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding. NAACL 2018. Paper
  • T5 : Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer. JMLR 2019. Paper
  • ELECTRA : ELECTRA: Pre-training Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators. 2020. Paper
  • BLOOM : BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model. 2022. Paper
  • LLaMA : LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models. 2023. Paper
  • LLaMA2 : Llama 2: Open foundation and fine-tuned chat models. 2023. Paper

Financial-domain LMs

  • FinBert-19 : FinBERT: Financial Sentiment Analysis with Pre-trained Language Models. 2019. Paper | Github | HuggingFace
  • FinBert-20 : FinBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Financial Communications. 2020. Paper | Github | HuggingFace
  • FinBert-21 : FinBERT: A Pre-trained Financial Language Representation Model for Financial Text Mining. IJCAI special track 2021. Paper
  • FLANG : When FLUE Meets FLANG: Benchmarks and Large Pretrained Language Model for Financial Domain. EMNLP main 2022. Paper | Github | HuggingFace
  • BloombergGPT : BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance, 2023, Paper
  • FinMA : PIXIU: A Large Language Model, Instruction Data and Evaluation Benchmark for Finance. NeurIPS datasets and benchmarks track 2023. Paper | Github | Leaderboard
  • InvestLM : InvestLM: A Large Language Model for Investment using Financial Domain Instruction Tuning. 2023. Paper | Github
  • FinGPT : FinGPT: Instruction Tuning Benchmark for Open-Source Large Language Models in Financial Datasets. NeurIPS Workshop 2023. Paper | Github| HuggingFace



  • [FinPLMs] Continual Pre-training : FinBert-19

  • [FinPLMs] Domain-Specific Pre-training from Scratch : FinBERT-20
  • [FinPLMs] Mixed-Domain Pre-training : FinBERT-21, FLANG
  • [FinLLMs] Mixed-Domain LLM with Prompt Engineering : BloombergGPT
  • [FinLLMs] Instruction Fine-tuned LLM with Prompt Engineering : FinMA, InvestLM, FinGPT

Benchmark Tasks and datasets


Evaluation summary of representative models across 6 financial NLP tasks

  • models : FinPLMs (FLANG), FinLLMs (BloombergGPT, FinMA), LLMs (ChatGPT, GPT-4), and task-specific state-of-the-art models (SOTA) models across 6 financial NLP tasks.
  • FinPLMs did not perform experiments on the more complex tasks such as Hybrid QA, SMP or Summ; hence, these data points are not included.
  • Results are referenced from original or analysis research, and SOTA results from task-specific models.
Task Dataset Paper Venue Link Data Link
Sentiment Analysis (SA) Financial PhraseBank (FPB) Good Debt or Bad Debt: Detecting Semantic Orientations in Economic Texts JASIST 2014 Paper HuggingFace
FiQA-SA WWW'18 Open Challenge: Financial Opinion Mining and Question Answering WWW Workshop 2018 Paper HuggingFace
SemEval-2017 SemEval-2017 Task 5: Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis on Financial Microblogs and News SemEval 2017 Paper Bitbucket
StockEmotions StockEmotions: Discover Investor Emotions for Financial Sentiment Analysis and Multivariate Time Series AAAI Bridge 2023 Paper Github
Text Classification (TC) Headline Impact of News on the Commodity Market: Dataset and Results FICC 2021 Paper Kaggle
FedNLP FedNLP: An interpretable NLP System to Decode Federal Reserve Communications SIGIR 2021 Paper Github
FOMC Trillion Dollar Words: A New Financial Dataset, Task & Market Analysis ACL 2023 Paper Github
Baking77 Efficient Intent Detection with Dual Sentence Encoders NLP4ConvAI Workshop 2020 Paper HuggingFace
Named Entity Recognition (NER) FIN Domain Adaption of Named Entity Recognition to Support Credit Risk Assessment ALTA Workshop 2015 Paper HuggingFace
FiNER-139 FiNER: Financial Numeric Entity Recognition for XBRL Tagging ACL 2022 Paper Github
Question Answering (QA) FiQA-QA WWW'18 Open Challenge: Financial Opinion Mining and Question Answering WWW Workshop 2018 Paper HuggingFace
FinQA FinQA: A Dataset of Numerical Reasoning over Financial Data EMNLP 2021 Paper Github
ConvFinQA ConvFinQA: Exploring the Chain of Numerical Reasoning in Conversational Finance Question Answering EMNLP 2022 Paper Github
TAT-QA TAT-QA: A Question Answering Benchmark on a Hybrid of Tabular and Textual Content in Finance ACL 2021 Paper Github
PACIFIC PACIFIC: Towards Proactive Conversational Question Answering over Tabular and Textual Data in Finance EMNLP 2022 Paper Github
Stock Movement Prediction (SMP) StockNet Stock Movement Prediction from Tweets and Historical Prices ACL 2018 Paper Github
CIKM18 Hybrid Deep Sequential Modeling for Social Text-Driven Stock Prediction CIKM 2018 Paper Github
BigData22 Accurate Stock Movement Prediction with Self-supervised Learning from Sparse Noisy Tweets IEEE BigData 2022 Paper Github
Text Summarization (Summ) ECTSum ECTSum: A New Benchmark Dataset For Bullet Point Summarization of Long Earnings Call Transcripts EMNLP 2022 Paper Github
MultiLing 2019 MultiLing 2019: Financial Narrative Summarisation RANLP 2019 Paper Website

Evaluation details across 6 financial NLP tasks

  • Sentiment Analysis (SA)

- Text Classification (TC)

- Named Entity Recognition (NER)

- Question Answering (QA)

- Stock Movement Prediction (SMP)

- Text Summarization (Summ)

Advanced Tasks and datasets

Task Dataset Paper Venue Link Data Link
Relation Extraction (RE) FinRED FinRED: A dataset for relation extraction in financial domain FinWeb Workshop 2022 Paper Github
Event Detection (ED) EDT Trade the Event: Corporate Events Detection for News-Based Event-Driven Trading ACL Findings 2021 Paper Github
Causality Detection (CD) FinCausal20 The Financial Document Causality Detection Shared Task (FinCausal 2020) FNP-FNS Workshop 2020 Paper Github
Numerical Reasoning (NR) FiNER-139, FinQA, ConvFinQA, TAT-QA, PACIFIC refer to NER, QA tasks
Structure Recognition (SR) FinTabNet Global table extractor (gte): A framework for joint table identification and cell structure recognition using visual context WACV 2021 Paper Website
Multimodal Understanding (MM) MAEC Maec: A multimodal aligned earnings conference call dataset for financial risk prediction CIKM 2020 Paper Github
MONOPOLY Monopoly: Financial prediction from monetary policy conference videos using multimodal cues MM 2022 Paper Github
Machine Translation (MT) MINDS-14 Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Intent Detection from Spoken Data EMNLP 2021 Paper HuggingFace
MultiFin MultiFin: A Dataset for Multilingual Financial NLP EACL Findings 2023 Paper Github
Market Forecasting (MF) StockEmotions, EDT, MAEC, MONOPOLY refer to SA, ED, MM tasks

Other Useful Resources

We include several workshops and programs for financial NLP. The link directs to the most recent workshop website.

  • [FNP] Financial Narrative Processing Workshop 5th
  • [FinNLP] Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing Workshop 5th
  • [ECONLP] Economics and Natural Language Processing Workshop 4th
  • [AiFinBridge] AAAI bridge - AI for Financial Services 2th
  • [MUFFIN] Multimodal AI for Financial Forecasting Workshop 2th
  • [KDF] Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services 4th


        title={A Survey of Large Language Models in Finance (FinLLMs)}, 
        author={Lee, Jean and Stevens, Nicholas and Han, Soyeon Caren and Song, Minseok},
	journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.02315},


This repository contains related work, benchmarks and datasets for the paper "Large Language Models in Finance (FinLLMs)", currently under review.






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