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Starred repositories
Stopwatch is a simple Android application developed with Jetpack Compose.
📝 Notify is a simple note application build to demonstrate the use of clean MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose and Material-3 guidelines along with some Modern Android development tools.
Samachar is an Android news app built to demonstrate the MVVM architecture in Kotlin. It utilizes Jetpack Compose, Dagger Hilt, Retrofit, RoomDB, Coroutines, and Flow.
A fully functional Android Expense Tracker app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
Movie World 📱 android app built with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Room, ViewModel based on MVVM architecture recommended by Google. It offers a clean, scalable, and maintainable codebas…
🗡️ Pokedex Compose demonstrates modern Android development with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material Design based on MVVM architecture.
Created a counter app using basic jetpack compose and MVVM architecture
Learn System Design concepts and prepare for interviews using free resources.
we will create a unit converter app using basic jetpack compose
A free, online & offline learning platform to make quality education accessible for all.
🎞 A movie Android app that mimics a real-world project environment, showcasing Clean Architecture, Kotlin, and Jetpack Compose, with Offline-first support.
Includes jetpack compose, navigation, paging, hilt, retrofit, coil, coroutines, flow..
A simple android note app made by jetpack compose.
Modular Android architecture which showcase Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Navigation Compose, Paging Compose, MVVM, Hilt, Room, Coroutines, StateFlow, Retrofit, Coil-compose, Github Actions, Unit test a…
A Jetpack compose app that consumes the TMDB API to display movie and Tv shows and their details
In Kotlin Multiplatform, the project utilizes Jetpack Compose for UI, MVVM with Clean Architecture, a Multi Module codebase, and libraries such as Koin for Dependency Injection, Flow, Coroutine, Kt…
Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Jetpack Compose + Coroutines + Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + Screenshot Tests + MockWebServer
MVVM Architecture using Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, Retrofit, Coroutines, Flow, StateFlow, Dagger-Hilt, WorkManager, Room, Unit test and etc
The curated list of Android Developer interview questions and answers
✨ Gemini Android demonstrates Google's Generative AI on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
JetBrains Compose Multiplatform UI App (Android, iOS, Desktop, Web). MVVM - Kotlin MultiPlatform (KMP)
This repository demonstrate Marvel Heroes using Jetpack Compose.
Powered by MVVM architecture, Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, Retrofit, Hilt, and other modern technologies.
MVVM architecture using Kotlin, Dagger, Retrofit, Coroutines, Flow, StateFlow, and etc.
💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, Tests, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis...
A reference implementation of Mifos platform wallet and payment capabilities
The standard image manipulation app for Catroid.
The Wikimedia Commons Android app allows users to upload pictures from their Android phone/tablet to Wikimedia Commons