STELA algorithm for sparsity regularized linear regression (LASSO)
STELA algorithm solves the following optimization problem:
It is based on the parallel best-response (Jacobi) algorithm with guaranteed convergence. It exhibits a fast, reliable and stable performance.
Reference: Sec. IV-C of Y. Yang, and M. Pesavento, "A unified successive pseudoconvex approximation framework", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 3313-3328, Jul. 2017. URL: IEEE, Arxiv
Input Parameters:
A : N * K matrix, dictionary;
y : K * 1 vector, noisy observation;
mu: scalar, regularization gain;
MaxIter: maximum number of iterations, default = 1000;
Output Parameters:
objval: objective function value (f + g);
x: K * 1 vector, the optimal variable
error: specifies the solution precision (a smaller error implies a better solution);