euler-hs/Flow is a free monadic framework for building backend and console applications in Haskell.
The framework exports the Flow monad which provides the following facilities:
- SQL DB interaction (using the
library). Postgres, MySQL and SQLite DBs supported. - KV DB interaction. Redis is supported.
- Forking flows in separate threads (green threads are used).
- HTTP services interaction (using servant-client facilities).
- Logging (tiny-logger inside).
- Typed mutable options.
- Pub/Sub mechanism (using Redis pub sub subsystem).
- Safe call to IO actions.
- Running system commands.
- ART (Automatic Regression Testing) - white box testing facilities.
- Integration testing framework.
You can use any of the two building tools supported:
Stack, install from
Nix package manager: A minimal guide to getting started with the Nix package manager on any Linux or OSX machine. (current nix-channel is nixos-19.09) Setup in your ~/.cabal/config
write-ghc-environment-files: never nix: True
Install development tools and libraries with your distro package manager:
- binutils
- libssl-dev
- libpq-dev
- postgresql-server-dev-all
- libmysqlclient-dev
- libsqlite
- postgresql
- mysql-server
- ... maybe some others
stack build
(Will build all the projects)stack build --fast -j4
(Will skip some optimisations)stack build euler-hs
stack build euler-backend
All tests:
stack test --flag 'beam-mysql:lenient'
backend dsl language tests:
stack test euler-hs:language
SQL DB sub set of backend dsl (by default enabled only sqlite tests, if you want to test MySQL and Postgres then uncomment corresponding specs in
, you need an appropriate DB and tables)stack test euler-hs:sql
euler-backend tests:
stack test euler-backend
ART tests:
cd ./app/euler-backend
How to use cabal flag with
stack test --flag 'beam-mysql:lenient'
stack run euler-backend
- Alternatively, you can use the shell script
that will set environment variables and run the program with some RTS options.
From root project dir run
For euler-hs lib
nix-build -A euler-hs
For euler-backend app
nix-build -A euler-backend
resulting binary should be in
See also:
Options like a mutable state
Typically, options are not intended to be used as user defined state. But it's not prohibited somehow. Do it if you know what are you doing. The only restriction here is that the state should be serializable (ToJSON / FromJSON) because options should be like this.
data Order = Order
{ someFiled :: Int
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON)
data OrderKey = OrderKey
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance OptionEntity OrderKey Order
orderCreate :: OrderCreateRequest -> Flow OrderCreateResponse
orderCreate req = do
order :: Order <- validateOrderCreateRequest req
setOption OrderKey order
orderCreate' :: FlowT AOrderCreateResponse
orderCreate' = do
order <- getOption OrderKey
This state will be thread safe itself but with forked flows it's possible to have race conditions anyway.
Mutable impure state
The idea is to have IORef, MVar or TVar defined outside the flows and use it in flows to store data.
It is preferable to create any of these outside of the Flow monad
as the runIO
method can't return a created variable. Let's elaborate.
This code will work, but it's kinda useless because doesn't allow to expose the internal IORef state:
someFlow :: Flow ()
someFlow = do
n :: Int <- runIO $ do
ref <- newIORef 100
readIORef ref
doSomethingWithN n
This flow won't work because the runIO method is not able to return IORef. IORef is not serializable:
someFlow :: Flow ()
someFlow = do
ref :: IORef Int <- runIO $ newIORef 100 -- won't compile
n <- runIO $ readIORef ref
doSomethingWithN n
The only way to work with IORef (or MVar which is better) is to pre-create it before the Flow scenario. Sample:
-- API method for the Servant server
:: OrderCreateRequest -> Handler ApiOrder.OrderCreateResponse
orderCreate req = do
mVar :: MVar Order <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
ref :: IORef (Maybe Order) <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
runFlow $ Flows.orderCreate mVar ref req
:: MVar Order
-> IORef (Maybe Order)
-> OrderCreateRequest
-> Flow OrderCreateResponse
orderCreate mVar ref req = do
order :: Order <- validateOrderCreateRequest req
runIO $ writeIORef ref $ Just order -- works
runIO $ putMVar mVar order -- works
orderCreate' mVar
:: MVar Order
-> IORef (Maybe Order)
-> FlowT AOrderCreateResponse
orderCreate' mVar ref = do
order <- runIO $ readIORef ref -- works
order <- runIO $ readMVar mVar -- works
MVar and STM is thread safe, IORef is not thread safe. Still, race coniditions are possible even with MVars and STM.
Untraced IO and STM It is possible to run IO actions outside of the ART tracing system, however it should be used with extreme caution as this means the following:
1. no trace will be collected
2. replay is not possible; instead, untraced IO-actions are re-executed on playback
Such functionality only really makes sense for two scenarios:
1. mutation of in-memory data structures using `STM` -- in particular, the use of `atomically` and `newTVarIO`.
2. reading of sensitive data, such as API keys
For example:
countStuff :: Flow Int
countVar <- runUntracedIO $ newTVarIO (0 :: Int)
awaitable1 <- forkFlow' "counter1" $ void $ runUntracedIO $ countTo100 countVar
awaitable2 <- forkFlow' "counter2" $ void $ runUntracedIO $ countTo100 countVar
void $ await Nothing awaitable1
void $ await Nothing awaitable2
count <- runUntracedIO $ atomically $ readTVar countVar
return count
countTo100 :: TVar Int -> IO Int
countTo100 countVar = do
count <- atomically $ updateCount countVar
if count < 100
then countTo100 countVar
else return count
updateCount :: TVar Int -> STM Int
updateCount countVar = do
count <- readTVar countVar
when (count < 100) (writeTVar countVar (count + 1))
readTVar countVar
Although such TVar
s can be allocated outside of Flow
, this may make
use of local and composable abstractions difficult.
Untraced IO and Sensitive Data
Another good use case is reading sensitive data which should not be collected
by the ART system, such as e.g. API keys stored in a config inside of an IORef
Arguably the best way to deal with this is as follows:
1. store sensitive data as separate configuration state, for example in an `IORef`
2. read and write to this `IORef` using `runUntracedIO`
3. use `runIO` for any non-sensitive data
This way the ART traces will never collect sensitive data, and replay/mocking of ART traces will still work in different execution environments with e.g. test API keys.
KV DB and SQL DB based state
KV DB and SQL DB based state
You can use KV DB and SQL DB as an external state storage which is significantly less performant and less convenient.
Takes SQL DB config and create connection that can be used in queries.
initSqlDBConnection :: T.DBConfig beM -> Flow (T.DBResult (T.SqlConn beM))
Deinit the given connection if you want to deny access over that connection.
deinitSqlDBConnection :: T.SqlConn beM -> Flow ()
Get existing connection. If there is no such connection, returns error.
getSqlDBConnection ::T.DBConfig beM -> Flow (T.DBResult (T.SqlConn beM))
Get existing SQL connection, or init a new connection.
getOrInitSqlConn :: T.DBConfig beM -> L.Flow (T.DBResult (T.SqlConn beM))
Takes connection, sql query (described using BEAM syntax) and make request.
( T.JSONEx a
, T.BeamRunner beM
, T.BeamRuntime be beM
=> T.SqlConn beM
-> L.SqlDB beM a
-> Flow (T.DBResult a)
Runs outside of a transaction. For transactions you can use runTransaction
Extracting existing connection from FlowRuntime by given db config and runs sql query (described using BEAM syntax). Acts like 'getSqlDBConnection' + 'runDB'
withDB ::
( T.JSONEx a
, T.BeamRunner beM
, T.BeamRuntime be beM
=> T.DBConfig beM -> L.SqlDB beM a -> Flow a
When you start the application, you can initialize all the connections that you plan to use.
keepConnsAliveForSecs :: NominalDiffTime
keepConnsAliveForSecs = 60 * 10 -- 10 mins
maxTotalConns :: Int
maxTotalConns = 8
mySQLCfg :: MySQLConfig
mySQLCfg = MySQLConfig
{ connectHost = "localhost"
, connectPort = 3306
, connectUser = "username"
, connectPassword = "password"
, connectDatabase = "dbname"
, connectOptions = [T.CharsetName "utf8"]
, connectPath = ""
, connectSSL = Nothing
sqlDBcfg = mkMySQLPoolConfig "eulerMysqlDB" mySQLCfg
$ PoolConfig 1 keepConnsAliveForSecs maxTotalConns
prepareDBConnections :: Flow ()
prepareDBConnections = do
ePool <- initSqlDBConnection sqlDBcfg
throwOnFailedWithLog ePool SqlDBConnectionFailedException "Failed to connect to SQL DB."
And then run flow methods with it
endpointHandler :: RequestType -> Flow (Maybe Int)
endpointHandler req = do
logInfo @String "endpointHandler" "endpointHandler started"
validReq <- validateRequest req
-- ...
-- some other actions
-- ...
res <- withDB sqlDBcfg $ do
let predicate DBTableType {idField} =
(idField ==. B.val_ (validReq ^. reqIdField))
$ B.limit_ 1
$ B.filter_ predicate
$ B.all_ (dbTableName dbSchema)
pure $ (^. intField) <$> res
Also, you can put your dbConfig in Options and take it back later in specialized withDB
wrappers. Maybe helpful when you should create config on startup, so config can't be hardcoded as constant and easily passed in methods (e.g. read DB password from env var and decode it with some IO operation). You can manage many different db configs
At first define keys for DBs:
data DB1Cfg = DB1Cfg
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance OptionEntity DB1Cfg (DBConfig MySQLM)
data DB2Cfg = DB2Cfg
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance OptionEntity DB2Cfg (DBConfig Pg)
Then you can define a specialized wrapper for each db:
withDB1 :: JSONEx a => SqlDB MySQLM a -> Flow a
withDB1 act = do
dbcfg <- getOption DB1Cfg
case dbcfg of
Just cfg -> withDB cfg act
Nothing -> do
logError @String "MissingDB identifier" "Can't find DB1 identifier in options"
throwException YourException
withDB2 :: JSONEx a => SqlDB Pg a -> Flow a
withDB2 act = do
dbcfg <- getOption DB2Cfg
case dbcfg of
Just cfg -> withDB cfg act
Nothing -> do
logError @String "MissingDB identifier" "Can't find DB2 identifier in options"
throwException YourException
On startup initialization just put configs in Options
prepareDBConnections :: Flow ()
prepareDBConnections = do
sqlDBcfg1 <- runIO getFromEnvAndDecodeMySqlDbCfg
ePool1 <- initSqlDBConnection sqlDBcfg1
setOption DB1Cfg sqlDBcfg1
throwOnFailedWithLog ePool SqlDBConnectionFailedException "Failed to connect to SQL DB1."
sqlDBcfg2 <- runIO getFromEnvAndDecodePostgresDbCfg
ePool2 <- initSqlDBConnection sqlDBcfg2
setOption DB2Cfg sqlDBcfg2
throwOnFailedWithLog ePool SqlDBConnectionFailedException "Failed to connect to SQL DB2."
To enable SQL query logging you can use UnsafeLogSQL_DO_NOT_USE_IN_PRODUCTION
in your application LoggerConfig
. However, this will logs data passed into the query,
like API keys and other sensitive data. As such, this should be used for local debugging