Netbox agent to run on your infrastructure's servers
Next-Gen Topology Visualization Plugin for NetBox Powered by topoSphere SDK
Official NetBox Labs plugin for NetBox for Diode
A geographic bidirectional network map based on d3 and leaflet
An IPAM provider for Cluster API that manages pools of IP addresses using Netbox.
Dynamic IP forwarding offload on Linux via `tc flower`
KVM Backend for VirtualBox. With our current development model, we cannot easily accept pull requests here. If you'd like to contribute, feel free to reach out to us, we are happy to find a solution.
Enterprise-Grade Open-Source Network Management Platform
SONiC monitoring system supplies SONiC telemetry data.
sonic-exporter is prometheus exporter for network switches running sonic NOS.
RunCVM (Run Container VM) is an experimental open-source Docker container runtime, for launching standard container workloads - as well as Systemd, Docker, even OpenWrt - in VMs using 'docker run`
netconan - a Network Configuration Anonymizer
hyperglass is the network looking glass that tries to make the internet better.
Android application for running Windows applications with Wine and Box86/Box64
eBPF based cloud-native load-balancer for Kubernetes|Edge|Telco|IoT|XaaS.
CAPK is a provider for Cluster API (CAPI) that allows users to deploy fake, Kubemark-backed machines to their clusters.